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The Field objects mentioned in the previous section are all related to the request object and their role is to inject the resources specified by the request object into the route function. The Depend is a special Field object that injects functions that conform to the Pait rule into the route function, which can do the following:

  • Share the same logic
  • Implement security verification function
  • Interact with other systems (such as databases).


Depend only does dependency injection related to the request object, and cannot complete dependency injection feture other than the request object. If you have this need, it is recommended to implement the dependency injection function through DI tools. For specific DI tools, see Awesome Dependency Injection in Python.

1.Use of Depend

Usually, the business system will have the function of user Token verification, this function is very consistent with the Depend usage scenario. In this scenario, the user carries a Token every time who accesses the system, and the server will first determine whether the Token is legal after receiving the user's request, and if it is legal, it will be released; if it is not legal, system will return an error message.

Most users of micro-web frameworks like Flask will choose to use Python decorators to solve this problem, as follows:

def demo_route() -> None:
In some cases, additional functionality is added, such as getting the uid data based on the Token and passing it to the route function.
def demo_route(uid: str) -> None:
However, it can be seen that this implementation is more dynamic, and it can make difficult for code inspection tools to detect if there is a problem with this code. It is only possible to prevent developers from incorrectly using the check_token decorator if you have a good internal specification, but there's nothing it can do to completely prevent the check_token decorator from being used incorrectly.

Using Pait's Depend can solve this problem. The sample code for Pait's Depend is as follows:

from flask import Flask, Response, jsonify

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

def api_exception(exc: Exception) -> Response:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    return jsonify({"data": str(exc)})

fake_db_dict: dict = {"u12345": "so1n"}

def get_user_by_token(token: str = field.Header.i()) -> str:
    if token not in fake_db_dict:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Can not found by token:{token}")
    return fake_db_dict[token]

def demo(token: str = field.Depends.i(get_user_by_token)) -> dict:
    return {"user": token}

app = Flask("demo")
app.add_url_rule("/api/demo", view_func=demo, methods=["GET"])

if __name__ == "__main__":
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> JSONResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    return JSONResponse({"data": str(exc)})

fake_db_dict: dict = {"u12345": "so1n"}

async def get_user_by_token(token: str = field.Header.i()) -> str:
    if token not in fake_db_dict:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Can not found by token:{token}")
    return fake_db_dict[token]

async def demo(token: str = field.Depends.i(get_user_by_token)) -> JSONResponse:
    return JSONResponse({"user": token})

app = Starlette(routes=[Route("/api/demo", demo, methods=["GET"])])
app.add_exception_handler(Exception, api_exception)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from sanic import HTTPResponse, Request, Sanic, json

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> HTTPResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    return json({"data": str(exc)})

fake_db_dict: dict = {"u12345": "so1n"}

async def get_user_by_token(token: str = field.Header.i()) -> str:
    if token not in fake_db_dict:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Can not found by token:{token}")
    return fake_db_dict[token]

async def demo(token: str = field.Depends.i(get_user_by_token)) -> HTTPResponse:
    return json({"user": token})

app = Sanic("demo")
app.add_route(demo, "/api/demo", methods={"GET"})

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute

class _Handler(RequestHandler):
    def _handle_request_exception(self, exc: BaseException) -> None:
        if isinstance(exc, TipException):
            exc = exc.exc

        self.write({"data": str(exc)})

fake_db_dict: dict = {"u12345": "so1n"}

async def get_user_by_token(token: str = field.Header.i()) -> str:
    if token not in fake_db_dict:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Can not found by token:{token}")
    return fake_db_dict[token]

class DemoHandler(_Handler):
    async def get(self, token: str = field.Depends.i(get_user_by_token)) -> None:
        self.write({"user": token})

app: Application = Application([(r"/api/demo", DemoHandler)])

if __name__ == "__main__":

The sample code in the first highlighting code is to mimic the database call method, the current assumption that the database only user so1n has a token and the token value is "u12345". The second highlighted code is a function called get_user_by_token, which is responsible for getting the token from the Header and checking if it exists, if it exists, it returns the user, if it doesn't, it throws an error. This is a special function that takes the same arguments as the Pait decorated route function, so any of the previously mentioned methods can be used in this function. The third highlighted code is the Token parameter of the route function and what's special here is wrapping the get_user_by_token function through field.Depend. so that Pait knows that the current Token parameter of the route function must be obtained through the get_user_by_token function.

After running the code and calling the curl command, can find that this code works normally. When the token exists, the user name will be returned. If token does not exist, an error message will be returned:

curl "" --header "token:u12345"{"user":"so1n"}curl "" --header "token:u123456"{"data":"Can not found by token:u123456"}

In addition, Pait can also support multiple levels of Depend nesting. The above code as an example, it is now assumed that it is necessary to verify that the Token is legal before going to the database to obtain the corresponding user. The code can be rewritten as follows:

from flask import Flask, Response, jsonify

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

def api_exception(exc: Exception) -> Response:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    return jsonify({"data": str(exc)})

fake_db_dict: dict = {"u12345": "so1n"}

def check_token(token: str = field.Header.i()) -> str:
    if len(token) != 6 and token[0] != "u":
        raise RuntimeError("Illegal Token")
    return token

def get_user_by_token(token: str = field.Depends.i(check_token)) -> str:
    if token not in fake_db_dict:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Can not found by token:{token}")
    return fake_db_dict[token]

def demo(token: str = field.Depends.i(get_user_by_token)) -> dict:
    return {"user": token}

app = Flask("demo")
app.add_url_rule("/api/demo", view_func=demo, methods=["GET"])

if __name__ == "__main__":
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> JSONResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    return JSONResponse({"data": str(exc)})

fake_db_dict: dict = {"u12345": "so1n"}

def check_token(token: str = field.Header.i()) -> str:
    if len(token) != 6 and token[0] != "u":
        raise RuntimeError("Illegal Token")
    return token

async def get_user_by_token(token: str = field.Depends.i(check_token)) -> str:
    if token not in fake_db_dict:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Can not found by token:{token}")
    return fake_db_dict[token]

async def demo(token: str = field.Depends.i(get_user_by_token)) -> JSONResponse:
    return JSONResponse({"user": token})

app = Starlette(routes=[Route("/api/demo", demo, methods=["GET"])])
app.add_exception_handler(Exception, api_exception)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from sanic import HTTPResponse, Request, Sanic, json

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> HTTPResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    return json({"data": str(exc)})

fake_db_dict: dict = {"u12345": "so1n"}

def check_token(token: str = field.Header.i()) -> str:
    if len(token) != 6 and token[0] != "u":
        raise RuntimeError("Illegal Token")
    return token

async def get_user_by_token(token: str = field.Depends.i(check_token)) -> str:
    if token not in fake_db_dict:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Can not found by token:{token}")
    return fake_db_dict[token]

async def demo(token: str = field.Depends.i(get_user_by_token)) -> HTTPResponse:
    return json({"user": token})

app = Sanic("demo")
app.add_route(demo, "/api/demo", methods={"GET"})

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute

class _Handler(RequestHandler):
    def _handle_request_exception(self, exc: BaseException) -> None:
        if isinstance(exc, TipException):
            exc = exc.exc

        self.write({"data": str(exc)})

fake_db_dict: dict = {"u12345": "so1n"}

def check_token(token: str = field.Header.i()) -> str:
    if len(token) != 6 and token[0] != "u":
        raise RuntimeError("Illegal Token")
    return token

async def get_user_by_token(token: str = field.Depends.i(check_token)) -> str:
    if token not in fake_db_dict:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Can not found by token:{token}")
    return fake_db_dict[token]

class DemoHandler(_Handler):
    async def get(self, token: str = field.Depends.i(get_user_by_token)) -> None:
        self.write({"user": token})

app: Application = Application([(r"/api/demo", DemoHandler)])

if __name__ == "__main__":

Sample code in the highlighted code for the modified code, this part of the code is mainly a new check_token function used to get and verify the Token. At the same time get_user_by_token to get the source of Token from Header to check_token.

After running the code and calling the curl command to test it, we can see from the output that it will return an error message if it doesn't conform to the checking logic:

curl "" --header "token:u12345"{"user":"so1n"}curl "" --header "token:u123456"{"data":"Can not found by token:u123456"}curl "" --header "token:fu12345"{"data":"Illegal Token"}

2.Depend based on ContextManager

The Depends usages shown in the previous section all work fine, but they don't have any way to know what's going on with the function like a Python decorator does, including whether the function is running correctly, what exceptions are thrown, when it's done, etc. At this time, need to solve this problem based on Depend of ContextManager.

Using Depend based on Context Manager is very simple, just add the corresponding Context Manager decorator to the function, and then use the try, except, finally syntax as described in Context Manager official documentation, as shown in the following sample code:

from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Any, Generator

def demo() -> Generator[Any, Any, Any]:
        # 1
        yield None
    except Exception:
        # 2
        # 3
The position of sequence number 1 in this sample code is used to normal function logic and return data through yield. Position number 2 is used to write the code logic when the function runs abnormally. The last serial number 3 is used to finally processing.

Below is a sample code using ContextManager and Depend

from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Any, Generator

from flask import Flask, Response, jsonify

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

def api_exception(exc: Exception) -> Response:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    return jsonify({"data": str(exc)})

class _DemoSession(object):
    def __init__(self, uid: int) -> None:
        self._uid: int = uid
        self._status: bool = False

    def uid(self) -> int:
        if self._status:
            return self._uid
            raise RuntimeError("Session is close")

    def create(self) -> None:
        self._status = True

    def close(self) -> None:
        self._status = False

def context_depend(uid: int = field.Query.i(description="user id", gt=10, lt=1000)) -> Generator[int, Any, Any]:
    session: _DemoSession = _DemoSession(uid)
        print("context_depend init")
        yield session.uid
    except Exception:
        print("context_depend error")
        print("context_depend exit")

def demo(uid: int = field.Depends.i(context_depend), is_raise: bool = field.Query.i(default=False)) -> Response:
    if is_raise:
        raise RuntimeError()
    return jsonify({"code": 0, "msg": uid})

app = Flask("demo")
app.add_url_rule("/api/demo", view_func=demo, methods=["GET"])

if __name__ == "__main__":
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from typing import Any, AsyncGenerator

from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> JSONResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    return JSONResponse({"data": str(exc)})

class _DemoSession(object):
    def __init__(self, uid: int) -> None:
        self._uid: int = uid
        self._status: bool = False

    def uid(self) -> int:
        if self._status:
            return self._uid
            raise RuntimeError("Session is close")

    def create(self) -> None:
        self._status = True

    def close(self) -> None:
        self._status = False

async def context_depend(uid: int = field.Query.i(description="user id", gt=10, lt=1000)) -> AsyncGenerator[int, Any]:
    session: _DemoSession = _DemoSession(uid)
        print("context_depend init")
        yield session.uid
    except Exception:
        print("context_depend error")
        print("context_depend exit")

async def demo(
    uid: int = field.Depends.i(context_depend), is_raise: bool = field.Query.i(default=False)
) -> JSONResponse:
    if is_raise:
        raise RuntimeError()
    return JSONResponse({"code": 0, "msg": uid})

app = Starlette(routes=[Route("/api/demo", demo, methods=["GET"])])
app.add_exception_handler(Exception, api_exception)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from typing import Any, AsyncGenerator

from sanic import HTTPResponse, Request, Sanic, json

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> HTTPResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    return json({"data": str(exc)})

class _DemoSession(object):
    def __init__(self, uid: int) -> None:
        self._uid: int = uid
        self._status: bool = False

    def uid(self) -> int:
        if self._status:
            return self._uid
            raise RuntimeError("Session is close")

    def create(self) -> None:
        self._status = True

    def close(self) -> None:
        self._status = False

async def context_depend(uid: int = field.Query.i(description="user id", gt=10, lt=1000)) -> AsyncGenerator[int, Any]:
    session: _DemoSession = _DemoSession(uid)
        print("context_depend init")
        yield session.uid
    except Exception:
        print("context_depend error")
        print("context_depend exit")

async def demo(
    uid: int = field.Depends.i(context_depend), is_raise: bool = field.Query.i(default=False)
) -> HTTPResponse:
    if is_raise:
        raise RuntimeError()
    return json({"code": 0, "msg": uid})

app = Sanic("demo")
app.add_route(demo, "/api/demo", methods={"GET"})

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from typing import Any, AsyncGenerator

from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute

class _DemoSession(object):
    def __init__(self, uid: int) -> None:
        self._uid: int = uid
        self._status: bool = False

    def uid(self) -> int:
        if self._status:
            return self._uid
            raise RuntimeError("Session is close")

    def create(self) -> None:
        self._status = True

    def close(self) -> None:
        self._status = False

async def context_depend(uid: int = field.Query.i(description="user id", gt=10, lt=1000)) -> AsyncGenerator[int, Any]:
    session: _DemoSession = _DemoSession(uid)
        print("context_depend init")
        yield session.uid
    except Exception:
        print("context_depend error")
        print("context_depend exit")

class _Handler(RequestHandler):
    def _handle_request_exception(self, exc: BaseException) -> None:
        if isinstance(exc, TipException):
            exc = exc.exc

        self.write({"data": str(exc)})

class DemoHandler(_Handler):
    async def get(
        self, uid: int = field.Depends.i(context_depend), is_raise: bool = field.Query.i(default=False)
    ) -> None:
        if is_raise:
            raise RuntimeError()
        self.write({"code": 0, "msg": uid})

app: Application = Application([(r"/api/demo", DemoHandler)])

if __name__ == "__main__":

This example assumes that a session is created based on the corresponding uid for each request and that the session is automatically closed at the end of the request. The first highlighted code simulates a session based on the uid. The second highlighted code is a Depends function decorated with ContextManger, which prints different things in try, except and finally. The third highlighted code is a route function, which will return an error or normal response according to the value of is_raise.

Now run the code and use the curl command to test. Through the result output, can find that the response result of the first request is normal, while the second request is abnormal (returns an empty string):

curl ""{"code":0,"msg":999}curl ""{"data":""}

At this time, switch back to the terminal where the sample code has been run, and you can find that the terminal prints data similar to the following:

context_depend init
context_depend exit
INFO: - "GET /api/demo?uid=999 HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
context_depend init
context_depend error
context_depend exit
INFO: - "GET /api/demo?uid=999&is_raise=True HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
It can be seen from the data output by the terminal that in the first request, the terminal only printed init and exit, but in the second request, the terminal printed more between init and exit One line of error.


Class-based Depend is similar to function-based Depend, the difference between them is that Pait not only resolves the function signature of the class's __call__ method, but also resolves the class's attributes, as shown in the following example:

from flask import Flask, Response, jsonify

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

def api_exception(exc: Exception) -> Response:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    return jsonify({"data": str(exc)})

fake_db_dict: dict = {"u12345": "so1n"}

class GetUserDepend(object):
    user_name: str = field.Query.i()

    def __call__(self, token: str = field.Header.i()) -> str:
        if token not in fake_db_dict:
            raise RuntimeError(f"Can not found by token:{token}")
        user_name = fake_db_dict[token]
        if user_name != self.user_name:
            raise RuntimeError("The specified user could not be found through the token")
        return user_name

def demo(token: str = field.Depends.i(GetUserDepend)) -> dict:
    return {"user": token}

app = Flask("demo")
app.add_url_rule("/api/demo", view_func=demo, methods=["GET"])

if __name__ == "__main__":
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> JSONResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    return JSONResponse({"data": str(exc)})

fake_db_dict: dict = {"u12345": "so1n"}

class GetUserDepend(object):
    user_name: str = field.Query.i()

    async def __call__(self, token: str = field.Header.i()) -> str:
        if token not in fake_db_dict:
            raise RuntimeError(f"Can not found by token:{token}")
        user_name = fake_db_dict[token]
        if user_name != self.user_name:
            raise RuntimeError("The specified user could not be found through the token")
        return user_name

async def demo(token: str = field.Depends.i(GetUserDepend)) -> JSONResponse:
    return JSONResponse({"user": token})

app = Starlette(routes=[Route("/api/demo", demo, methods=["GET"])])
app.add_exception_handler(Exception, api_exception)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from sanic import HTTPResponse, Request, Sanic, json

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> HTTPResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    return json({"data": str(exc)})

fake_db_dict: dict = {"u12345": "so1n"}

class GetUserDepend(object):
    user_name: str = field.Query.i()

    async def __call__(self, token: str = field.Header.i()) -> str:
        if token not in fake_db_dict:
            raise RuntimeError(f"Can not found by token:{token}")
        user_name = fake_db_dict[token]
        if user_name != self.user_name:
            raise RuntimeError("The specified user could not be found through the token")
        return user_name

async def demo(token: str = field.Depends.i(GetUserDepend)) -> HTTPResponse:
    return json({"user": token})

app = Sanic("demo")
app.add_route(demo, "/api/demo", methods={"GET"})

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute

class _Handler(RequestHandler):
    def _handle_request_exception(self, exc: BaseException) -> None:
        if isinstance(exc, TipException):
            exc = exc.exc

        self.write({"data": str(exc)})

fake_db_dict: dict = {"u12345": "so1n"}

class GetUserDepend(object):
    user_name: str = field.Query.i()

    async def __call__(self, token: str = field.Header.i()) -> str:
        if token not in fake_db_dict:
            raise RuntimeError(f"Can not found by token:{token}")
        user_name = fake_db_dict[token]
        if user_name != self.user_name:
            raise RuntimeError("The specified user could not be found through the token")
        return user_name

class DemoHandler(_Handler):
    async def get(self, token: str = field.Depends.i(GetUserDepend)) -> None:
        self.write({"user": token})

app: Application = Application([(r"/api/demo", DemoHandler)])

if __name__ == "__main__":

The sample code in the first highlighting code is based on the class Depend implementation, this code is divided into two main parts. The first part is the attributes of the class, which also uses the format of <name>: <type> = <default>, whenever a request hits the route, Pait will be injected into the class with the corresponding value. The second part of the code is rewritten from the example in Usage of Depend, it will check the Token and the corresponding username (normal logic basically doesn't do this, it's just a functional demonstration here), and the __call__ method is used in a similar way to the function-based Depend.

__call__ method usage restrictions

Everything in Python is an object, so a class with a __call__ method is similar to a function, as shown in the following example code:

from typing import Any

class DemoDepend(object):
    def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
The __call__ method in the code is an intuitive way to use, but due to the limitations of Python, the __call__ method does not support rewriting function signature, such as the following example:
from typing import Any
from pait import field

class DemoDepend(object):
    def __init__(self) -> Any:
        def new_call(uid: str = field.Query.i(), user_name: str = field.Query.i()) -> Any:
        setattr(self, "__call__", new_call)

    def __call__(self, uid: str = field.Query.i()) -> Any:
After the class is instantiated, the function signature of the __call__ method parsed by inspect is still __call__(self, uid: str = field.Query.i()) -> Any instead of __call__(uid: str = field.Query.i(), user_name: str = field.Query.i()) -> Any. This causes Pait to fail to extract the correct parameter rules. In order to solve this problem, Pait prioritizes parsing pait_handler methods that are allowed to be overridden, as follows.:
from typing import Any
from pait import field

class DemoDepend(object):
    def __init__(self) -> Any:
        def new_call(uid: str = field.Query.i(), user_name: str = field.Query.i()) -> Any:
        setattr(self, "pait_handler", new_call)

    def pait_handler(self, uid: str = field.Query.i()) -> Any:
After the class is instantiated, Pait parses out that the function signature of pait_handler is pait_handler(uid: str = field.Query.i(), user_name: str = field.Query.i()) -> Any

In the second highlighted code, the function-based Depend in the Depend parameter is replaced with the class-based Depend.

After running the code and executing the following curl command, can see the following output:

➜ ~ curl "" --header "token:u12345"
{"data":"Can not found user_name value"}
➜ ~ curl "" --header "token:u12345"
➜ ~ curl "" --header "token:u12345"
{"data":"The specified user could not be found through the token"}
Initialization for class-based Depend

Since a new instance is created for each request, this means that cannot customize the initialization parameters as usual. At this time, can use pait.util.partial wrapper to bind initialization parameters, as shown in the following example:

from pait import field
from pait.util import partial_wrapper

class GetUserDepend(object):
    user_name: str = field.Query.i()
    age: int = field.Query.i()

    def __init__(self, age_limit: int = 18) -> None:
        self.age_limit: int = age_limit

    def __call__(self, token: str = field.Header.i()) -> str:
        if token not in fake_db_dict:
            raise RuntimeError(f"Can not found by token:{token}")
        user_name = fake_db_dict[token]
        if user_name != self.user_name:
            raise RuntimeError("The specified user could not be found through the token")
        if self.age < self.age_limit:
            raise ValueError("Minors cannot access")
        return user_name

def demo(user_name: str = field.Depends.i(partial_wrapper(GetUserDepend, age_limit=16))):

def demo1(user_name: str = field.Depends.i(GetUserDepend)):
In this example, each route function has different age restrictions for users. Among them, demo restricts access to users younger than 16 years old, while demo1 restricts access to users younger than 18 years old. So their initialization parameters of GetUserDepend are different.

To that end, the demo function uses pait.util.partial_wrapper to bind the initialization parameters to GetUserDepend. The function of pait.util.partial_wrapper is similar to the official functools.partial. The only difference is that it supports PEP 612, can get code tips and use inspection tools for code inspection.


In some scenarios, the route function only needs the Depends function to perform verification logic and does not need the return value of the Depends function. At this time, may consider using the variable name _ instead, as follows:

def demo(_: str = field.Depends.i(get_user_by_token)) -> None:
However, Python does not support multiple variables with the same name in a function, which means that when there are multiple similar parameters, their variable names cannot be changed to _.

For this reason, Pait solves this problem through the optional parameter pre_depend_list. Its use is very simple, only need to migrate the Depend function from the parameters to the pre_depend_list optional parameters of Pait. Neither the logic nor the functionality of the Depend code will be affected, and the modified code will look like the following (the highlighted code is the modified part):

from flask import Flask, Response, jsonify

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

def api_exception(exc: Exception) -> Response:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    return jsonify({"data": str(exc)})

fake_db_dict: dict = {"u12345": "so1n"}

def get_user_by_token(token: str = field.Header.i()) -> str:
    if token not in fake_db_dict:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Can not found by token:{token}")
    return fake_db_dict[token]

def demo() -> dict:
    return {"msg": "success"}

app = Flask("demo")
app.add_url_rule("/api/demo", view_func=demo, methods=["GET"])

if __name__ == "__main__":
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> JSONResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    return JSONResponse({"data": str(exc)})

fake_db_dict: dict = {"u12345": "so1n"}

async def get_user_by_token(token: str = field.Header.i()) -> str:
    if token not in fake_db_dict:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Can not found by token:{token}")
    return fake_db_dict[token]

async def demo() -> JSONResponse:
    return JSONResponse({"msg": "success"})

app = Starlette(routes=[Route("/api/demo", demo, methods=["GET"])])
app.add_exception_handler(Exception, api_exception)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from sanic import HTTPResponse, Request, Sanic, json

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> HTTPResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    return json({"data": str(exc)})

fake_db_dict: dict = {"u12345": "so1n"}

async def get_user_by_token(token: str = field.Header.i()) -> str:
    if token not in fake_db_dict:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Can not found by token:{token}")
    return fake_db_dict[token]

async def demo(request: Request) -> HTTPResponse:
    return json({"msg": "success"})

app = Sanic("demo")
app.add_route(demo, "/api/demo", methods={"GET"})

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute

class _Handler(RequestHandler):
    def _handle_request_exception(self, exc: BaseException) -> None:
        if isinstance(exc, TipException):
            exc = exc.exc

        self.write({"data": str(exc)})

fake_db_dict: dict = {"u12345": "so1n"}

async def get_user_by_token(token: str = field.Header.i()) -> str:
    if token not in fake_db_dict:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Can not found by token:{token}")
    return fake_db_dict[token]

class DemoHandler(_Handler):
    async def get(self) -> None:
        self.write({"msg": "success"})

app: Application = Application([(r"/api/demo", DemoHandler)])

if __name__ == "__main__":

After running the code and executing the curl command, can see that Pre-Depend can work normally through the following output.:

curl "" --header "token:u12345"{"msg":"success"}curl "" --header "token:u123456"{"data":"Can not found by token:u123456"}


  • 1.When using Pre-Depend, Pait will first execute Pre-Depend in sequence and then execute the route function. If there is an error in the execution of Pre-Depend, an error will be thrown directly.
  • 2.Pre-Depend is bound to Pait instead of a route function, which means that Pre-Depend can be reused together with Pait, see for details Reuse of Pait

5.⚠Don't share limited resources

Depend is the best implementation for sharing the same logic, it is important to be careful not to share limited resources, Because the shared resources are for the entire route function, which means that it may affect the concurrency count of the system, or even bring down the entire system.


There are many types of finite resources, common finite resources are: thread pools, MySQL connection pools, Redis connection pools, etc.

Since the content of this section has nothing to do with the use of Pait, the dangers of sharing limited resources will be illustrated by using the Redis connection as an example.


  • 1.The best demonstration use case is the connection pool of MySQL, but in order to save the amount of code, the Redis connection is used here to briefly explain the dangers of sharing limited resources.
  • 2.Normally, you don't get a connection to Redis directly, and Redis doesn't expose a similar interface. It's just that the execution logic of the execute_command method is similar to getting a connection, so we'll use it as an example.

A Redis connection can only do one thing, but Redis itself is so well designed that clients can still achieve high concurrency with connection pooling. However, if the logic of the route function is complex and takes a long time to execute, then the concurrency of the entire service is limited by the number of connection pools, as in the following code.

import time
from typing import Callable
from flask import Flask, Response, jsonify
from redis import Redis
from import pait
from pait import field

redis = Redis(max_connections=100)

def get_redis() -> Callable:
    return redis.execute_command

def demo(my_redis_conn: Callable = field.Depends.i(get_redis)) -> Response:
    # mock redis cli
    # mock io
    return jsonify()

app = Flask("demo")
app.add_url_rule("/api/demo", view_func=demo, methods=["GET"])
Each route function in the sample code will first obtain the Redis connection, then execute the route function logic and finally release the Redis connection. Therefore, the usage time of Redis connection is the running time of the entire route function, which means that if the logic of the route function is relatively complex, the number of concurrency of the entire service will be limited by the number of Redis connection pool. Just like the demo route function in the example code, the demo route function will first call Redis's info command and then simulate an IO operation sleeping for 5 seconds. This means that after getting the Redis connection, most of the time of the Redis connection is wasted waiting for the IO operation, which is very bad.

To solve this problem is very simple, just change the shared resources into a shared method of obtaining resources, as shown in the following code:

import time
from typing import Callable
from flask import Flask, Response, jsonify
from redis import Redis
from import pait
from pait import field

redis = Redis(max_connections=100)

def get_redis() -> Callable:
    return lambda :redis.execute_command

def demo(my_redis_conn: Callable = field.Depends.i(get_redis)) -> Response:
    # mock redis cli
    conn = my_redis_conn()
    del conn
    # mock io
    return jsonify()

app = Flask("demo")
app.add_url_rule("/api/demo", view_func=demo, methods=["GET"])
There are two parts of this code that have changed. The first part is the first highlighted code, which changes the get_redis function from returning a Redis connection to returning a method to get a Redis connection. The second part is the second highlighted code, which changes from calling the Redis connection directly to first getting the Redis connection and then calling it and finally releasing the Redis connection.

In this way, the connection to Redis will only be obtained when Redis is used, and the concurrency of the system will not be easily affected by the Redis connection pool.