Json response plugin
Currently the most used serialization method in the route function is JSON,
so Pait
also comes with some JSON response related plug-ins, such as checking the JSON response result,
automatically replenishing the JSON response result data, etc.,
which all use the response model_list
in the response model to expand the corresponding functions.
1.Since the plugin needs to get the returned results, the plugin may intrude into the web framework, resulting in a somewhat different usage than the original usage.
2.Plugins need to be adapted to different web frameworks, so please introduce the corresponding plugin in the form of from pait.app.{web framework name}.plugin.{plugin name} import xxx
Check the JSON response result plugin
The CheckJsonPlugin
plugin is mainly used to check the response result of the route function, if the check is successful,
the response will be returned, otherwise an error will be thrown, as shown below:
Flask Starlette Sanic Tornado
docs_source_code/plugin/json_plugin/flask_with_check_json_plugin_demo.py from typing import Type
from flask import Flask , Response , jsonify
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from pait.app.flask import pait
from pait.app.flask.plugin import CheckJsonRespPlugin
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.field import Query
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
class UserSuccessRespModel3 ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ): # type: ignore
class DataModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 )
user_name : str = Field ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 )
age : int = Field ( description = "age" , gt = 1 , lt = 100 )
email : str = Field ( description = "user email" )
code : int = Field ( 0 , description = "api code" )
msg : str = Field ( "success" , description = "api status msg" )
data : DataModel
description : str = "success response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
def api_exception ( exc : Exception ) -> Response :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
return jsonify ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
@pait ( response_model_list = [ UserSuccessRespModel3 ], plugin_list = [ CheckJsonRespPlugin . build ()])
def demo (
uid : int = Query . i ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
email : str = Query . i ( default = "example@xxx.com" , description = "user email" ),
user_name : str = Query . i ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
age : int = Query . i ( description = "age" , gt = 1 , lt = 100 ),
display_age : int = Query . i ( 0 , description = "display_age" ),
) -> Response :
return_dict : dict = {
"code" : 0 ,
"msg" : "" ,
"data" : {
"uid" : uid ,
"user_name" : user_name ,
"email" : email ,
if display_age == 1 :
return_dict [ "data" ][ "age" ] = age
return jsonify ( return_dict )
app = Flask ( "demo" )
app . add_url_rule ( "/api/demo" , view_func = demo , methods = [ "GET" ])
app . errorhandler ( Exception )( api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . run ( port = 8000 )
docs_source_code/plugin/json_plugin/starlette_with_check_json_plugin_demo.py from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse , Response
from starlette.routing import Route
from pait.app.starlette import pait
from pait.app.starlette.plugin import CheckJsonRespPlugin
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.field import Query
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
class UserSuccessRespModel3 ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ): # type: ignore
class DataModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 )
user_name : str = Field ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 )
age : int = Field ( description = "age" , gt = 1 , lt = 100 )
email : str = Field ( description = "user email" )
code : int = Field ( 0 , description = "api code" )
msg : str = Field ( "success" , description = "api status msg" )
data : DataModel
description : str = "success response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
async def api_exception ( request : Request , exc : Exception ) -> Response :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
return JSONResponse ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
@pait ( response_model_list = [ UserSuccessRespModel3 ], plugin_list = [ CheckJsonRespPlugin . build ()])
async def demo (
uid : int = Query . i ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
email : str = Query . i ( default = "example@xxx.com" , description = "user email" ),
user_name : str = Query . i ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
age : int = Query . i ( description = "age" , gt = 1 , lt = 100 ),
display_age : int = Query . i ( 0 , description = "display_age" ),
) -> Response :
return_dict : dict = {
"code" : 0 ,
"msg" : "" ,
"data" : {
"uid" : uid ,
"user_name" : user_name ,
"email" : email ,
if display_age == 1 :
return_dict [ "data" ][ "age" ] = age
return JSONResponse ( return_dict )
app = Starlette ( routes = [ Route ( "/api/demo" , demo , methods = [ "GET" ])])
app . add_exception_handler ( Exception , api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/plugin/json_plugin/sanic_with_check_json_plugin_demo.py from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from sanic import HTTPResponse , Request , Sanic , response
from pait.app.sanic import pait
from pait.app.sanic.plugin import CheckJsonRespPlugin
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.field import Query
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
class UserSuccessRespModel3 ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ): # type: ignore
class DataModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 )
user_name : str = Field ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 )
age : int = Field ( description = "age" , gt = 1 , lt = 100 )
email : str = Field ( description = "user email" )
code : int = Field ( 0 , description = "api code" )
msg : str = Field ( "success" , description = "api status msg" )
data : DataModel
description : str = "success response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
async def api_exception ( request : Request , exc : Exception ) -> response . HTTPResponse :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
return response . json ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
@pait ( response_model_list = [ UserSuccessRespModel3 ], plugin_list = [ CheckJsonRespPlugin . build ()])
async def demo (
uid : int = Query . i ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
email : str = Query . i ( default = "example@xxx.com" , description = "user email" ),
user_name : str = Query . i ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
age : int = Query . i ( description = "age" , gt = 1 , lt = 100 ),
display_age : int = Query . i ( 0 , description = "display_age" ),
) -> HTTPResponse :
return_dict : dict = {
"code" : 0 ,
"msg" : "" ,
"data" : {
"uid" : uid ,
"user_name" : user_name ,
"email" : email ,
if display_age == 1 :
return_dict [ "data" ][ "age" ] = age
return response . json ( return_dict )
app = Sanic ( "demo" )
app . add_route ( demo , "/api/demo" , methods = [ "GET" ])
app . exception ( Exception )( api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/plugin/json_plugin/tornado_with_check_json_plugin_demo.py from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application , RequestHandler
from pait.app.tornado import pait
from pait.app.tornado.plugin import CheckJsonRespPlugin
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.field import Query
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
class UserSuccessRespModel3 ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ): # type: ignore
class DataModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 )
user_name : str = Field ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 )
age : int = Field ( description = "age" , gt = 1 , lt = 100 )
email : str = Field ( description = "user email" )
code : int = Field ( 0 , description = "api code" )
msg : str = Field ( "success" , description = "api status msg" )
data : DataModel
description : str = "success response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
class _Handler ( RequestHandler ):
def _handle_request_exception ( self , exc : BaseException ) -> None :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
self . write ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
self . finish ()
class DemoHandler ( _Handler ):
@pait ( response_model_list = [ UserSuccessRespModel3 ], plugin_list = [ CheckJsonRespPlugin . build ()])
async def get (
self ,
uid : int = Query . i ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
email : str = Query . i ( default = "example@xxx.com" , description = "user email" ),
user_name : str = Query . i ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
age : int = Query . i ( description = "age" , gt = 1 , lt = 100 ),
display_age : int = Query . i ( 0 , description = "display_age" ),
) -> None :
return_dict : dict = {
"code" : 0 ,
"msg" : "" ,
"data" : {
"uid" : uid ,
"user_name" : user_name ,
"email" : email ,
if display_age == 1 :
return_dict [ "data" ][ "age" ] = age
self . write ( return_dict )
app : Application = Application ([( r "/api/demo" , DemoHandler )])
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . listen ( 8000 )
IOLoop . instance () . start ()
The first step is to define a JSON response result model called UserSuccessRespModel3
Then define an error handler function that catches exceptions thrown when the plugin fails to validate the results.
Next is to define a demo
route function that uses the CheckJsonRespPlugin
Also, when display_age
is not equal to 1,
the result returned by the demo
route function will not match the UserSuccessRespModel3
After running the code and executing the following commands,
can find through the execution results that when the response result does not match the defined response Model,
an error will be thrown directly:
➜ curl\? uid\= 123 \& user_name\= so1n\& age\= 18 \& display_age\= 1
{ "code" : 0 , "msg" : "" , "data" : { "uid" : 123 , "user_name" : "so1n" , "email" : "example@xxx.com" , "age" : 18 }}
➜ curl\? uid\= 123 \& user_name\= so1n\& age\= 18
1 validation error for ResponseModel
data -> age
field required ( type = value_error.missing)
Autocomplete JSON response result plugin
The result returned by the route function should be consistent with the structure defined in the API documentation,
because returning only some of the fields may cause the client to crash.
If for some reason only part of the structure can be returned,
then can use the AutoComplete JSON Response plugin to fill in the default values for the fields that are missing,
as in the following example:
Flask Starlette Sanic Tornado
docs_source_code/plugin/json_plugin/flask_with_auto_complete_json_plugin_demo.py from typing import List , Type
from flask import Flask
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from pait.app.flask import pait
from pait.app.flask.plugin import AutoCompleteJsonRespPlugin
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
class AutoCompleteRespModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
class DataModel ( BaseModel ):
class MusicModel ( BaseModel ):
name : str = Field ( "" )
url : str = Field ()
singer : str = Field ( "" )
uid : int = Field ( 100 , description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 )
music_list : List [ MusicModel ] = Field ( description = "music list" )
image_list : List [ dict ] = Field ( description = "music list" )
code : int = Field ( 0 , description = "api code" )
msg : str = Field ( "success" , description = "api status msg" )
data : DataModel
description : str = "success response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ AutoCompleteRespModel ], plugin_list = [ AutoCompleteJsonRespPlugin . build ()])
def demo () -> dict :
"""Test json plugin by resp type is dict"""
return {
"code" : 0 ,
"msg" : "" ,
"data" : {
# "uid": 0,
"image_list" : [
{ "aaa" : 10 },
{ "aaa" : "123" },
"music_list" : [
"name" : "music1" ,
"url" : "http://music1.com" ,
"singer" : "singer1" ,
# "name": "music1",
"url" : "http://music1.com" ,
# "singer": "singer1",
app = Flask ( "demo" )
app . add_url_rule ( "/api/demo" , view_func = demo , methods = [ "GET" ])
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . run ( port = 8000 )
docs_source_code/plugin/json_plugin/starlette_with_auto_complete_json_plugin_demo.py from typing import List , Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.routing import Route
from pait.app.starlette import pait
from pait.app.starlette.plugin import AutoCompleteJsonRespPlugin
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
class AutoCompleteRespModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
class DataModel ( BaseModel ):
class MusicModel ( BaseModel ):
name : str = Field ( "" )
url : str = Field ()
singer : str = Field ( "" )
uid : int = Field ( 100 , description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 )
music_list : List [ MusicModel ] = Field ( description = "music list" )
image_list : List [ dict ] = Field ( description = "music list" )
code : int = Field ( 0 , description = "api code" )
msg : str = Field ( "success" , description = "api status msg" )
data : DataModel
description : str = "success response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ AutoCompleteRespModel ], plugin_list = [ AutoCompleteJsonRespPlugin . build ()])
async def demo () -> dict :
"""Test json plugin by resp type is dict"""
return {
"code" : 0 ,
"msg" : "" ,
"data" : {
# "uid": 0,
"image_list" : [
{ "aaa" : 10 },
{ "aaa" : "123" },
"music_list" : [
"name" : "music1" ,
"url" : "http://music1.com" ,
"singer" : "singer1" ,
# "name": "music1",
"url" : "http://music1.com" ,
# "singer": "singer1",
app = Starlette ( routes = [ Route ( "/api/demo" , demo , methods = [ "GET" ])])
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/plugin/json_plugin/sanic_with_auto_complete_json_plugin_demo.py from typing import List , Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from sanic import Request , Sanic
from pait.app.sanic import pait
from pait.app.sanic.plugin import AutoCompleteJsonRespPlugin
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
class AutoCompleteRespModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
class DataModel ( BaseModel ):
class MusicModel ( BaseModel ):
name : str = Field ( "" )
url : str = Field ()
singer : str = Field ( "" )
uid : int = Field ( 100 , description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 )
music_list : List [ MusicModel ] = Field ( description = "music list" )
image_list : List [ dict ] = Field ( description = "music list" )
code : int = Field ( 0 , description = "api code" )
msg : str = Field ( "success" , description = "api status msg" )
data : DataModel
description : str = "success response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ AutoCompleteRespModel ], plugin_list = [ AutoCompleteJsonRespPlugin . build ()])
async def demo ( request : Request ) -> dict :
"""Test json plugin by resp type is dict"""
return {
"code" : 0 ,
"msg" : "" ,
"data" : {
# "uid": 0,
"image_list" : [
{ "aaa" : 10 },
{ "aaa" : "123" },
"music_list" : [
"name" : "music1" ,
"url" : "http://music1.com" ,
"singer" : "singer1" ,
# "name": "music1",
"url" : "http://music1.com" ,
# "singer": "singer1",
app = Sanic ( "demo" )
app . add_route ( demo , "/api/demo" , methods = [ "GET" ])
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/plugin/json_plugin/tornado_with_auto_complete_json_plugin_demo.py from typing import List , Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application , RequestHandler
from pait.app.tornado import pait
from pait.app.tornado.plugin import AutoCompleteJsonRespPlugin
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
class AutoCompleteRespModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
class DataModel ( BaseModel ):
class MusicModel ( BaseModel ):
name : str = Field ( "" )
url : str = Field ()
singer : str = Field ( "" )
uid : int = Field ( 100 , description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 )
music_list : List [ MusicModel ] = Field ( description = "music list" )
image_list : List [ dict ] = Field ( description = "music list" )
code : int = Field ( 0 , description = "api code" )
msg : str = Field ( "success" , description = "api status msg" )
data : DataModel
description : str = "success response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
class DemoHandler ( RequestHandler ):
@pait ( response_model_list = [ AutoCompleteRespModel ], plugin_list = [ AutoCompleteJsonRespPlugin . build ()])
async def get (
self ,
) -> dict :
"""Test json plugin by resp type is dict"""
return {
"code" : 0 ,
"msg" : "" ,
"data" : {
# "uid": 0,
"image_list" : [
{ "aaa" : 10 },
{ "aaa" : "123" },
"music_list" : [
"name" : "music1" ,
"url" : "http://music1.com" ,
"singer" : "singer1" ,
# "name": "music1",
"url" : "http://music1.com" ,
# "singer": "singer1",
app : Application = Application ([( r "/api/demo" , DemoHandler )])
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . listen ( 8000 )
IOLoop . instance () . start ()
First define an AutoCompleteRespModel
response Model with a default value of 100 for the UID
in the Model.
Then create a demo
function, which has some fields missing from the return structure,
but uses the AutoCompleteJsonRespPlugin
Run the code and execute the following command:
➜ ~ curl
"code" :0,
"data" :{
"image_list" :[{} ,{}] ,
"music_list" :[{ "name" :"music1" ,"singer" :"singer1" ,"url" :"http://music1.com" } ,{ "name" :"" ,"singer" :"" ,"url" :"http://music1.com" }] ,
"uid" :100
} ,
"msg" :""
The output shows that data->uid
, data->music_list->[0]->name
and data->music_list->[0]->singer
have been supplemented with default values.
The default value of data->uid
is defined for the Field of AutoCompleteRespModel
while the default values of the other fields are zero values corresponding to the type.
1.The default value of the response can be defined through default
or default_factory
of Field
2.AutoCompletePlugin intrudes into the routing function, causing the routing function to return only Python
types instead of response objects.