Currently, Pait provides a simple unit test support through TestHelper,
which runs tests by automatically adding URLs, HTTP methods and other parameters by route functions.
And when getting the result, it will get the most matching response model from response_modle_list for simple validation,
thus reducing the amount of code required for developers to write test cases.
1.Usage of TestHelper
The sample code used this time is to expand the sample code on the home page,
the main change is to add a parameter named return_error_resp in the route function,
when return_error_resp is True it will return a response that does not match the response model,
the code is as follows:
Then can write test cases with TestHelper,
first need to import TestHelper and the test client for the corresponding web framework and also initialize the test framework:.
Since Flask automatically registers the OPTIONS method in the route that registers the POST method,
which interferes with the autodiscovery of TestHelper's HTTP methods,
need to block the OPTIONS method with apply_block_http_method_set.
frompait.extra.configimportapply_block_http_method_set############################################################ Block the OPTIONS method that Flask automatically adds ############################################################frompait.gimportconfigconfig.init_config(apply_func_list=[apply_block_http_method_set({"OPTIONS"})])############## unit test>Generator[FlaskClient,None,None]:# Flask provides a way to test your application by exposing the Werkzeug test Client# and handling the context locals for you.client:FlaskClient=app.test_client()# Establish an application context before running the tests.ctx:AppContext=app.app_context()ctx.push()yieldclient# this is where the testing happens!ctx.pop()
When using with TestClient(app) as client, Starlette automatically calls the app's startup and shutdown methods, which is a good habit to get into when using with TestClient(app) as client, even though it's not used in this test case.
fromtypingimportGenerator############## unit test>Generator[TestClient,None,None]:withTestClient(app)asclient:yieldclient
fromtypingimportGenerator############## unit test>Generator[SanicTestClient,None,None]:yieldapp.test_client
Currently I don't know how to execute Tornado test cases via Pytest, so I used Tornado's AsyncHTTPTestCase for initialization. If you know how to execute Tornado test cases via Pytest, feel free to give feedback via issue.
fromtornado.testingimportAsyncHTTPTestCase############## unit test>Application:returnappdefget_url(self,path:str)->str:"""Returns an absolute url for the given path on the test server."""return"%s://localhost:%s%s"%(self.get_protocol(),self.get_http_port(),path)
After writing the initialization code for the test case, it is time to write the test case code,
first it will be demonstrated how to write a test case through TestHelper with the following code:
In this test case, TestHelper will be initialized,
TestHelper initialization requires the Web framework corresponding to the test client,
the route function, as well as the route function of some of the request parameters,
after the initialization is complete, you can get the request response through the TestHelper.
While executing the test, TestHelper automatically discovers the URL and HTTP method of the route function.
So when calling the json method, TestHelper will automatically initiate a post request and gets the response result.
Then it serializes the response Body into a Pythondict object and returns it.
However, when the route function is bound to more than one request method,
TestHelper will not be able to do this automatically,
and need to specify the corresponding HTTP method when calling the json method, using the following method:
In addition, when writing test cases, may need a response object, rather than response data,
in order to validate data such as status codes, Header, etc.
This can be done by calling the HTTP method of the TestHelper and getting the response object.
The following code makes a request to the route function via the post method and returns the response object of the Web framework's test client,
which is then asserted:
Although in this case TestHelper is not much different from the way it is used with the Web framework's corresponding test client.
However, when TestHelper gets the response from the route function,
it will pick the best matching response model from the response_model_list of the route function.
If one of the response object's HTTP status code, header and response data does not match the response model,
an error is thrown and the test case is aborted, for example:
After executing the test case,
TestHelper will find that the response result of the route function does not match the response model of the route function,
then it will throw an exception, interrupt the test case and output the result as follows:
The output shows that the exception thrown is CheckResponseException. Meanwhile, according to the exception message,
can understand that the response model for this validation is DemoResponseModel,
and it found that the response data is missing the uid field and user_name field during the validation process.
2.Parameter introduction
The parameters of TestHelper are divided into three types:
initialization parameters, request-related parameters, and response-related result parameters.
Among them, the initialization parameters are described as follows:
The test client for the Web framework
The route function to be tested
There are multiple request parameters, which for most web frameworks encapsulate a layer of calls,
but for using frameworks such as Tornado that don't encapsulate the test client much,
request parameters provide some convenience, and these parameters are described as follows:
body_dict: Json data of the request.
cookie_dict: Cookie data of the request.
file_dict: File data of the request.
form_dict: Form data of the request.
header_dict: Header data of the request.
path_dict: Path data of the request.
query_dict: Query data of the request.
In addition to this, TestHelper has some parameters related to response result validation, such as strict_inspection_check_json_content.
By default, the strict_inspection_check_json_content parameter has a value of True,
which will allow TestHelper to perform strict checks on the data structure of the response result, as in the following example:
In this example, a and b have different data structures,
where the a represents the data structure of the response model and the b is the data structure of the response body.
When TestHelper performs the validation, it will throw an error because it detects an extra structure ['b']['d'] in the b.
However, it is possible to set the parameter strict_inspection_check_json_content to False,
so that TestHelper will only validate fields that appear in the response model, and will not check fields outside the response model.
In addition to the above, TestHelper has several other parameters, as follows:
If the value is not null, then TestHelper will filter a batch of eligible response_models from the response_model_list by target_pait_response_class to perform the calibration. This value is usually the parent class of the response model, and the default value of None means no match.
Indicates whether TestHelper will assert the response result, default value is True.