OpenAPI Route
in addition to supporting the generation of OpenAPI content,
but also supports OpenAPI route generation.
by default, will provide openapi.json
and some doc-ui route, such as the document home sample code.
Flask Starlette Sanic Tornado
docs_source_code/introduction/ from typing import Type
from flask import Flask , Response , jsonify
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> Response :
return jsonify ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Flask ( "demo" )
app . add_url_rule ( "/api" , "demo" , demo_post , methods = [ "POST" ])
AddDocRoute ( app )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . run ( port = 8000 )
docs_source_code/introduction/ from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
async def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> JSONResponse :
return JSONResponse ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Starlette ( routes = [ Route ( "/api" , demo_post , methods = [ "POST" ])])
AddDocRoute ( app )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/introduction/ from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from import Sanic
from sanic.response import HTTPResponse , json
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
async def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> HTTPResponse :
return json ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Sanic ( name = "demo" )
app . add_route ( demo_post , "/api" , methods = [ "POST" ])
AddDocRoute ( app )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/introduction/ from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application , RequestHandler
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
class DemoHandler ( RequestHandler ):
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
def post (
self ,
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> None :
self . write ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app : Application = Application ([( r "/api" , DemoHandler )])
AddDocRoute ( app )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . listen ( 8000 )
IOLoop . instance () . start ()
Through the sample code can be seen, just simply call AddDocRoute
can be app
bound OpenAPI route,
the specific route url and the corresponding function is shown in the table below:
route url
Get OpenAPI's json response
Use elements to display document data
UI is nice and simple, support request in page
Use Redoc to display document data
UI is nice and simple, but does not support request in page
Use Swagger to display document data
Generic OpenAPI display UI, full-featured
Use RapiDoc to display document data
Fully featured; modernized UI; supports customized UI
Provides a page where can download RapiDoc pdf documents
Poor support for non-English
1.Use of OpenAPI routing
can easily bind OpenAPI routes to app
and AddDocRoute
provides some parameters for developers to customize route extensions and to solve the complexity of production environments.
Currently AddDocRoute
provides the following parameters:
HTTP Schema, such as http or https
Generated openapi.json url that owns the path portion (scheme fails when this parameter is in effect)
A prefix for routing URLs
A simple security checksum
Defines the title of the OpenAPI route. Note that when calling AddDocRoute
multiple times to bind different OpenAPI routes, their titles should different
Implementation of UI pages in OpenAPI routes
's OpenAPI class
instances, OpenAPI will create child pait
based on the this pait
and use them. See how to use Pait
Methods for binding routes to app instances, see SimpleRoute section for details
pin_code error exception
The HTTP Schema of OpenAPI routing can be explicitly specified through the scheme parameter, such as HTTP and HTTPS.
It is important to note that the HTTP Schema does not refer to the HTTP Schema used by the current service,
but rather the HTTP Schema used by the visitor.
For example, the current service specifies HTTP Schema, but in order to enhance the security of the service,
Add a layer of proxy in front of the service to support HTTPS, such as using Nginx.
In this case, the user can only access the service via
In order for the OpenAPI route to respond properly, should use scheme="https"
when binding the OpenAPI route.
The example code is as follows:
Flask Starlette Sanic Tornado
from typing import Type
from flask import Flask , Response , jsonify
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> Response :
return jsonify ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Flask ( "demo" )
AddDocRoute ( app , scheme = "http" )
app . run ( port = 8000 )
from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
async def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> JSONResponse :
return JSONResponse ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Starlette ( routes = [ Route ( "/api" , demo_post , methods = [ "POST" ])])
AddDocRoute ( app , scheme = "http" )
uvicorn . run ( app )
from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from import Sanic
from sanic.response import HTTPResponse , json
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
async def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> HTTPResponse :
return json ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Sanic ( name = "demo" )
app . add_route ( demo_post , "/api" , methods = [ "POST" ])
AddDocRoute ( app , scheme = "http" )
uvicorn . run ( app )
from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application , RequestHandler
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
class DemoHandler ( RequestHandler ):
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
def post (
self ,
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> None :
self . write ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
AddDocRoute ( app , scheme = "http" )
app . listen ( 8000 )
IOLoop . instance () . start ()
When openapi_json_url_only_path is False
by default, the generated OpenAPI Json url is complete (
When openapi_json_url_only_path is True
, the generated OpenAPI Json url is /openapi.json
1.The current OpenAPI UIs all support /openapi.json
, but there is no guarantee that subsequent OpenAPI UIs will support them.
2.When using openapi_json_url_only_path
, the schema
parameter will be invalidated.
The example code is as follows:
Flask Starlette Sanic Tornado
from typing import Type
from flask import Flask , Response , jsonify
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> Response :
return jsonify ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Flask ( "demo" )
AddDocRoute ( app , openapi_json_url_only_path = True )
app . run ( port = 8000 )
from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
async def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> JSONResponse :
return JSONResponse ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Starlette ( routes = [ Route ( "/api" , demo_post , methods = [ "POST" ])])
AddDocRoute ( app , openapi_json_url_only_path = True )
uvicorn . run ( app )
from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from import Sanic
from sanic.response import HTTPResponse , json
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
async def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> HTTPResponse :
return json ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Sanic ( name = "demo" )
app . add_route ( demo_post , "/api" , methods = [ "POST" ])
AddDocRoute ( app , openapi_json_url_only_path = True )
uvicorn . run ( app )
from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application , RequestHandler
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
class DemoHandler ( RequestHandler ):
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
def post (
self ,
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> None :
self . write ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
AddDocRoute ( app , openapi_json_url_only_path = True )
app . listen ( 8000 )
IOLoop . instance () . start ()
By default, AddDocRoute
will bind the route to the app instance according to the following URL:
using the default /
prefix is not a good behavior,
and it is recommended to specify a URL prefix that matches your own habits via prefix
when using it.
For example /api-doc
, then AddDocRoute
will bind to the route with the following URL:
The example code is as follows:
Flask Starlette Sanic Tornado
from typing import Type
from flask import Flask , Response , jsonify
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> Response :
return jsonify ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Flask ( "demo" )
AddDocRoute ( app , prefix = "/api-doc" )
app . run ( port = 8000 )
from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
async def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> JSONResponse :
return JSONResponse ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Starlette ( routes = [ Route ( "/api" , demo_post , methods = [ "POST" ])])
AddDocRoute ( app , prefix = "/api-doc" )
uvicorn . run ( app )
from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from import Sanic
from sanic.response import HTTPResponse , json
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
async def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> HTTPResponse :
return json ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Sanic ( name = "demo" )
app . add_route ( demo_post , "/api" , methods = [ "POST" ])
AddDocRoute ( app , prefix = "/api-doc" )
uvicorn . run ( app )
from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application , RequestHandler
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
class DemoHandler ( RequestHandler ):
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
def post (
self ,
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> None :
self . write ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
AddDocRoute ( app , prefix = "/api-doc" )
app . listen ( 8000 )
IOLoop . instance () . start ()
provides a simple security mechanism to prevent outsiders from accessing OpenAPI routes, which is used as follows:
Flask Starlette Sanic Tornado
from typing import Type
from flask import Flask , Response , jsonify
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> Response :
return jsonify ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Flask ( "demo" )
AddDocRoute ( app , pin_code = "6666" )
app . run ( port = 8000 )
from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
async def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> JSONResponse :
return JSONResponse ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Starlette ( routes = [ Route ( "/api" , demo_post , methods = [ "POST" ])])
AddDocRoute ( app , pin_code = "6666" )
uvicorn . run ( app )
from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from import Sanic
from sanic.response import HTTPResponse , json
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
async def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> HTTPResponse :
return json ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Sanic ( name = "demo" )
app . add_route ( demo_post , "/api" , methods = [ "POST" ])
AddDocRoute ( app , pin_code = "6666" )
uvicorn . run ( app )
from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application , RequestHandler
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
class DemoHandler ( RequestHandler ):
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
def post (
self ,
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> None :
self . write ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
AddDocRoute ( app , pin_code = "6666" )
app . listen ( 8000 )
IOLoop . instance () . start ()
After run the code,
If you visit
in your browser, you will not find the corresponding page,
but if you visit
instead, the page will be displayed normally.
1.Normally OpenAPI routes should not be exposed for external use.
Security needs to be enhanced by tools such as Nginx (e.g., IP whitelisting restrictions),
and the security of this mechanism is much higher than that of pin_code
2.Customized security checks can be added to OpenAPI via Pait
's Pre-depend.
3.If the pin code checksum carried by the access fails, a 404 exception will be returned by default,
which can be customized via not_found_exc
Title has two feature, one is used to define the Title attribute of the OpenAPI object,
and the other is to specify the group name of the currently bound OpenAPI route,
so you need to make sure that the Title parameter is not the same if you call AddDocRoute
multiple times for the same app instance.
The example code is as follows:
Flask Starlette Sanic Tornado
from typing import Type
from flask import Flask , Response , jsonify
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> Response :
return jsonify ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Flask ( "demo" )
AddDocRoute ( app , title = "Api Doc" )
app . run ( port = 8000 )
from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
async def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> JSONResponse :
return JSONResponse ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Starlette ( routes = [ Route ( "/api" , demo_post , methods = [ "POST" ])])
AddDocRoute ( app , title = "Api Doc" )
uvicorn . run ( app )
from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from import Sanic
from sanic.response import HTTPResponse , json
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
async def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> HTTPResponse :
return json ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Sanic ( name = "demo" )
app . add_route ( demo_post , "/api" , methods = [ "POST" ])
AddDocRoute ( app , title = "Api Doc" )
uvicorn . run ( app )
from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application , RequestHandler
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
class DemoHandler ( RequestHandler ):
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
def post (
self ,
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> None :
self . write ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
AddDocRoute ( app , title = "Api Doc" )
app . listen ( 8000 )
IOLoop . instance () . start ()
is a dictionary with the OpenAPI UI name as Key and the OpenAPI Html content generation function as Value.
If this parameter is not passed, then by default AddDocRoute
will use the following dictionary.
from any_api.openapi.web_ui.elements import get_elements_html
from any_api.openapi.web_ui.rapidoc import get_rapidoc_html , get_rapipdf_html
from any_api.openapi.web_ui.redoc import get_redoc_html
from any_api.openapi.web_ui.swagger import get_swagger_ui_html
default_doc_fn_dict = {
"elements" : get_elements_html ,
"rapidoc" : get_rapidoc_html ,
"rapipdf" : get_rapipdf_html ,
"redoc" : get_redoc_html ,
"swagger" : get_swagger_ui_html ,
Among them, the Key specified in doc_fn_dict
is a string and the Value is the following function:
def demo ( url : str , title : str = "" ) -> str :
The first parameter of the function is the OpenAPI Json URL, while the second parameter is the Title,
and AddDocRoute
will be registered to the app instance via doc_fn_dict
with Key as url and Value as route function when generating the route.
The following is an example of adding a custom OpenAPI UI Route:
Flask Starlette Sanic Tornado
from typing import Type
from flask import Flask , Response , jsonify
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> Response :
return jsonify ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Flask ( "demo" )
def demo ( url : str , title : str = "" ) -> str :
from pait.openapi.doc_route import default_doc_fn_dict
from copy import deepcopy
default_doc_fn_dict = deepcopy ( default_doc_fn_dict )
default_doc_fn_dict [ "demo" ] = demo
AddDocRoute ( app , doc_fn_dict = default_doc_fn_dict )
app . run ( port = 8000 )
from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
async def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> JSONResponse :
return JSONResponse ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Starlette ( routes = [ Route ( "/api" , demo_post , methods = [ "POST" ])])
def demo ( url : str , title : str = "" ) -> str :
from pait.openapi.doc_route import default_doc_fn_dict
from copy import deepcopy
default_doc_fn_dict = deepcopy ( default_doc_fn_dict )
default_doc_fn_dict [ "demo" ] = demo
AddDocRoute ( app , doc_fn_dict = default_doc_fn_dict )
uvicorn . run ( app )
from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from import Sanic
from sanic.response import HTTPResponse , json
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
async def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> HTTPResponse :
return json ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Sanic ( name = "demo" )
app . add_route ( demo_post , "/api" , methods = [ "POST" ])
def demo ( url : str , title : str = "" ) -> str :
from pait.openapi.doc_route import default_doc_fn_dict
from copy import deepcopy
default_doc_fn_dict = deepcopy ( default_doc_fn_dict )
default_doc_fn_dict [ "demo" ] = demo
AddDocRoute ( app , doc_fn_dict = default_doc_fn_dict )
uvicorn . run ( app )
from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application , RequestHandler
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
class DemoHandler ( RequestHandler ):
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
def post (
self ,
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> None :
self . write ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
def demo ( url : str , title : str = "" ) -> str :
from pait.openapi.doc_route import default_doc_fn_dict
from copy import deepcopy
default_doc_fn_dict = deepcopy ( default_doc_fn_dict )
default_doc_fn_dict [ "demo" ] = demo
AddDocRoute ( app , doc_fn_dict = default_doc_fn_dict )
app . listen ( 8000 )
IOLoop . instance () . start ()
It first creates a demo
function that conforms to the specification, then adds to the default default_doc_fn_dict
and finally binds to the app instance via AddDocRoute
The customized OpenAPI UI page can now be accessed via
By default, AddDocRoute
creates an OpenAPI object and generates json content from the OpenAPI object.
The Title of the created OpenAPI object is overwritten by the title
parameter specified by AddDocRoute
and the Host bound to the current APP instance is appended to the Server List
However, AddDocRoute
also supports passing defined OpenAPI objects via the openapi
parameter, which is used as follows:
Flask Starlette Sanic Tornado
from typing import Type
from flask import Flask , Response , jsonify
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> Response :
return jsonify ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Flask ( "demo" )
from pait.util import partial_wrapper
from pait.openapi.openapi import OpenAPI , InfoModel
openapi = partial_wrapper ( OpenAPI , openapi_info_model = InfoModel ( version = "1.0.0" , description = "Demo Doc" ))
AddDocRoute ( flask_app , openapi = openapi ) # type: ignore
app . run ( port = 8000 )
from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
async def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> JSONResponse :
return JSONResponse ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Starlette ( routes = [ Route ( "/api" , demo_post , methods = [ "POST" ])])
from pait.util import partial_wrapper
from pait.openapi.openapi import OpenAPI , InfoModel
openapi = partial_wrapper ( OpenAPI , openapi_info_model = InfoModel ( version = "1.0.0" , description = "Demo Doc" ))
AddDocRoute ( flask_app , openapi = openapi ) # type: ignore
uvicorn . run ( app )
from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from import Sanic
from sanic.response import HTTPResponse , json
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
async def demo_post (
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> HTTPResponse :
return json ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
app = Sanic ( name = "demo" )
app . add_route ( demo_post , "/api" , methods = [ "POST" ])
from pait.util import partial_wrapper
from pait.openapi.openapi import OpenAPI , InfoModel
openapi = partial_wrapper ( OpenAPI , openapi_info_model = InfoModel ( version = "1.0.0" , description = "Demo Doc" ))
AddDocRoute ( flask_app , openapi = openapi ) # type: ignore
uvicorn . run ( app )
from typing import Type
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application , RequestHandler
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.response import JsonResponseModel
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoResponseModel ( JsonResponseModel ):
class ResponseModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ()
user_name : str = Field ()
description : str = "demo response"
response_data : Type [ BaseModel ] = ResponseModel
class DemoHandler ( RequestHandler ):
@pait ( response_model_list = [ DemoResponseModel ])
def post (
self ,
uid : int = Json . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
username : str = Json . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
) -> None :
self . write ({ "uid" : uid , "user_name" : username })
from pait.util import partial_wrapper
from pait.openapi.openapi import OpenAPI , InfoModel
openapi = partial_wrapper ( OpenAPI , openapi_info_model = InfoModel ( version = "1.0.0" , description = "Demo Doc" ))
AddDocRoute ( flask_app , openapi = openapi ) # type: ignore
app . listen ( 8000 )
IOLoop . instance () . start ()
Run the example code and visit ,
can see the document description and version number in the upper left corner of the page have changed.
2.Template variables for OpenAPI routing
Most interfaces have an authentication mechanism, for example, need to bring the correct Token parameter to get the data properly.
If request data on the OpenAPI page, need to paste the Token parameter every time, which is very inconvenient.
This is where you can use template variables to allow the OpenAPI page to automatically fill in the values of the variables, as shown in the following code:
Flask Starlette Sanic Tornado
docs_source_code/openapi/openapi_route/ from flask import Flask , Response , jsonify
from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from pait import _pydanitc_adapter
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.template import TemplateVar
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
if _pydanitc_adapter . is_v1 :
class UserModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 , example = TemplateVar ( "uid" ))
user_name : str = Field ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 )
else :
class UserModel ( BaseModel ): # type: ignore[no-redef]
uid : int = Field (
description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 , json_schema_extra = lambda v : v . update ( example = TemplateVar ( "uid" ))
user_name : str = Field ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 )
@pait ()
def demo_post ( model : UserModel = Json . i ()) -> Response :
return jsonify ({ "result" : model . dict ()})
app = Flask ( "demo" )
app . add_url_rule ( "/api" , "demo" , demo_post , methods = [ "POST" ])
if __name__ == "__main__" :
AddDocRoute ( app )
app . run ( port = 8000 )
docs_source_code/openapi/openapi_route/ from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route
from pait import _pydanitc_adapter
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.template import TemplateVar
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
if _pydanitc_adapter . is_v1 :
class UserModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 , example = TemplateVar ( "uid" ))
user_name : str = Field ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 )
else :
class UserModel ( BaseModel ): # type: ignore[no-redef]
uid : int = Field (
description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 , json_schema_extra = lambda v : v . update ( example = TemplateVar ( "uid" ))
user_name : str = Field ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 )
@pait ()
async def demo_post ( model : UserModel = Json . i ()) -> JSONResponse :
return JSONResponse ({ "result" : model . dict ()})
app = Starlette ( routes = [ Route ( "/api" , demo_post , methods = [ "POST" ])])
if __name__ == "__main__" :
AddDocRoute ( app )
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/openapi/openapi_route/ from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from sanic import HTTPResponse , Sanic , json
from pait import _pydanitc_adapter
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.template import TemplateVar
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
if _pydanitc_adapter . is_v1 :
class UserModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 , example = TemplateVar ( "uid" ))
user_name : str = Field ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 )
else :
class UserModel ( BaseModel ): # type: ignore[no-redef]
uid : int = Field (
description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 , json_schema_extra = lambda v : v . update ( example = TemplateVar ( "uid" ))
user_name : str = Field ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 )
@pait ()
async def demo_post ( model : UserModel = Json . i ()) -> HTTPResponse :
return json ({ "result" : model . dict ()})
app = Sanic ( name = "demo" )
app . add_route ( demo_post , "/api" , methods = [ "POST" ])
if __name__ == "__main__" :
AddDocRoute ( app )
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/openapi/openapi_route/ from pydantic import BaseModel , Field
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application , RequestHandler
from pait import _pydanitc_adapter
from import pait
from pait.field import Json
from pait.model.template import TemplateVar
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
if _pydanitc_adapter . is_v1 :
class UserModel ( BaseModel ):
uid : int = Field ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 , example = TemplateVar ( "uid" ))
user_name : str = Field ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 )
else :
class UserModel ( BaseModel ): # type: ignore[no-redef]
uid : int = Field (
description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 , json_schema_extra = lambda v : v . update ( example = TemplateVar ( "uid" ))
user_name : str = Field ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 )
class DemoHandler ( RequestHandler ):
@pait ()
async def post ( self , model : UserModel = Json . i ()) -> None :
self . write ({ "result" : model . dict ()})
app : Application = Application ([( r "/api" , DemoHandler )])
AddDocRoute ( app )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . listen ( 8000 )
IOLoop . instance () . start ()
First introduced TemplateVar
class and then used TemplateVar("uid")
in the example attribute of the Field of uid
so that Pait
knows that the template variable for the parameter uid
is uid
Now run the above code and type
in your browser and it will open up as follows:
As you can see from the diagram, the value of uid
has been auto-populated with 123
instead of the default value of zero.
The reason Pait
is able to set the user's value to the corresponding parameter is because the url has an extra string template-uid=123
This way, when the OpenAPI route receives the corresponding request, it realizes that the request carries a variable starting with template-
, and knows that this is the value that the user has assigned to the template variable uid
, so when it generates the OpenAPI data, it can set the user's value to the corresponding parameter.
When generating OpenAPI data, the OpenAPI route will automatically append the user-specified value to the parameter of the template variable uid.