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How to use Field

The Field object plays a vital role in Pait. In addition to get data sources through the Field object, Pait can also implement other feature. However, this chapter only focuses on parameter verification.

1.Kind of Field

In addition to the Json mentioned above(Introduction), Field also has other class, their names and functions are as follows:

  • Body: Get the json data of the current request
  • Cookie: Get the cookie data of the current request (note that the current cookie data will be converted into a Python dictionary, which means that the key of the cookie cannot be repeated. At the same time, when the Field is a cookie, the type is preferably str)
  • File:Get the file object of the current request, which is consistent with the file object of the web framework
  • Form:Get the form data of the current request. If there are multiple duplicate Keys, only the first value will be returned
  • Json: Get the json data of the current request
  • Header: Get the header data of the current request
  • Path: Get the path data of the current request, such as /api/{version}/test, will get the version data
  • Query: Get the data corresponding to the Url parameter of the current request. If there are multiple duplicate keys, only the first value will be returned
  • MultiForm:Get the form data of the current request, and return the data list corresponding to the Key
  • MultiQuery:Get the data corresponding to the Url parameter of the current request, and return the data list corresponding to the Key

Field is easy to use, just use Field in the default of <name>:<type>=<default>, using this code as an example.

from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Optional

from flask import Flask

from import pait
from pait.field import Cookie, Form, MultiForm, MultiQuery, Path, Query

class SexEnum(str, Enum):
    man: str = "man"
    woman: str = "woman"

def demo_route(
    a: str = Form.t(description="form data"),
    b: str = Form.t(description="form data"),
    c: List[str] = MultiForm.t(description="form data"),
    cookie: dict = Cookie.t(raw_return=True, description="cookie"),
    multi_user_name: List[str] = MultiQuery.t(description="user name", min_length=2, max_length=4),
    age: int = Path.t(description="age", gt=1, lt=100),
    uid: int = Query.t(description="user id", gt=10, lt=1000),
    user_name: str = Query.t(description="user name", min_length=2, max_length=4),
    email: Optional[str] = Query.t(default="", description="user email"),
    sex: SexEnum = Query.t(description="sex"),
) -> dict:
    return {
        "code": 0,
        "msg": "",
        "data": {
            "form_a": a,
            "form_b": b,
            "form_c": c,
            "cookie": cookie,
            "multi_user_name": multi_user_name,
            "age": age,
            "uid": uid,
            "user_name": user_name,
            "email": email,
            "sex": sex,

app = Flask("demo")
app.add_url_rule("/api/demo/<age>", "demo", demo_route, methods=["POST"])

if __name__ == "__main__":
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Optional

from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse

from import pait
from pait.field import Cookie, Form, MultiForm, MultiQuery, Path, Query

class SexEnum(str, Enum):
    man: str = "man"
    woman: str = "woman"

async def demo_route(
    a: str = Form.t(description="form data"),
    b: str = Form.t(description="form data"),
    c: List[str] = MultiForm.t(description="form data"),
    cookie: dict = Cookie.t(raw_return=True, description="cookie"),
    multi_user_name: List[str] = MultiQuery.t(description="user name", min_length=2, max_length=4),
    age: int = Path.t(description="age", gt=1, lt=100),
    uid: int = Query.t(description="user id", gt=10, lt=1000),
    user_name: str = Query.t(description="user name", min_length=2, max_length=4),
    email: Optional[str] = Query.t(default="", description="user email"),
    sex: SexEnum = Query.t(description="sex"),
) -> JSONResponse:
    return JSONResponse(
            "code": 0,
            "msg": "",
            "data": {
                "form_a": a,
                "form_b": b,
                "form_c": c,
                "cookie": cookie,
                "multi_user_name": multi_user_name,
                "age": age,
                "uid": uid,
                "user_name": user_name,
                "email": email,
                "sex": sex,

app: Starlette = Starlette()
app.add_route("/api/demo/{age}", demo_route, methods=["POST"])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Optional

from sanic import HTTPResponse, Sanic, json

from import pait
from pait.field import Cookie, Form, MultiForm, MultiQuery, Path, Query

class SexEnum(str, Enum):
    man: str = "man"
    woman: str = "woman"

async def demo_route(
    a: str = Form.t(description="form data"),
    b: str = Form.t(description="form data"),
    c: List[str] = MultiForm.t(description="form data"),
    cookie: dict = Cookie.t(raw_return=True, description="cookie"),
    multi_user_name: List[str] = MultiQuery.t(description="user name", min_length=2, max_length=4),
    age: int = Path.t(description="age", gt=1, lt=100),
    uid: int = Query.t(description="user id", gt=10, lt=1000),
    user_name: str = Query.t(description="user name", min_length=2, max_length=4),
    email: Optional[str] = Query.t(default="", description="user email"),
    sex: SexEnum = Query.t(description="sex"),
) -> HTTPResponse:
    return json(
            "code": 0,
            "msg": "",
            "data": {
                "form_a": a,
                "form_b": b,
                "form_c": c,
                "cookie": cookie,
                "multi_user_name": multi_user_name,
                "age": age,
                "uid": uid,
                "user_name": user_name,
                "email": email,
                "sex": sex,

app: Sanic = Sanic(name="demo")
app.add_route(demo_route, "/api/demo/<age>", methods={"POST"})

if __name__ == "__main__":
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Optional

from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler

from import pait
from pait.field import Cookie, Form, MultiForm, MultiQuery, Path, Query
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute

class SexEnum(str, Enum):
    man: str = "man"
    woman: str = "woman"

class DemoHandler(RequestHandler):
    async def post(
        a: str = Form.t(description="form data"),
        b: str = Form.t(description="form data"),
        c: List[str] = MultiForm.t(description="form data"),
        cookie: dict = Cookie.t(raw_return=True, description="cookie"),
        multi_user_name: List[str] = MultiQuery.t(description="user name", min_length=2, max_length=4),
        age: int = Path.t(description="age", gt=1, lt=100),
        uid: int = Query.t(description="user id", gt=10, lt=1000),
        user_name: str = Query.t(description="user name", min_length=2, max_length=4),
        email: Optional[str] = Query.t(default="", description="user email"),
        sex: SexEnum = Query.t(description="sex"),
    ) -> None:
                "code": 0,
                "msg": "",
                "data": {
                    "form_a": a,
                    "form_b": b,
                    "form_c": c,
                    "cookie": cookie,
                    "multi_user_name": multi_user_name,
                    "age": age,
                    "uid": uid,
                    "user_name": user_name,
                    "email": email,
                    "sex": sex,

app: Application = Application([(r"/api/demo/(?P<age>\w+)", DemoHandler)])

if __name__ == "__main__":


In order to ensure that the sample code can run smoothly anywhere, the usage of the File field is not demonstrated here. For specific usage, please refer to the route function corresponding to /api/pait-base-field in the file in the sample code of different web frameworks.

The sample code demonstrates how to get the request parameters from the request object through different types of Field and assemble them into a certain format and return them. Next, use the curl command to a request test:

curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Cookie: cookie=cookie=test cookie' \
  -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
  -F 'form_a=a' \
  -F 'form_b=b' \
  -F 'multi_form_c=string,string'

Under normal circumstances, you will see the following output in the terminal:

    "code": 0,
    "msg": "",
    "data": {
        "accept": "application/json",
        "form_a": "a",
        "form_b": "b",
        "form_c": [
        "cookie": {
            "cookie": "cookie=test cookie"
        "multi_user_name": [
        "age": 12,
        "uid": 99,
        "user_name": "so1n",
        "email": ""
It can be found from the output results that Pait can accurately obtain the corresponding value from the request object through the Field type.

2.Field feature

From the above example, can see that the url does not carry the email parameter, but the email in the response value is This is because Pait will assign the default of Field to the variable when the email value cannot be obtained through the request body.

In addition to the default value, Field also has many functions, most of which are derived from pydantic.Field.


Pait gets the default value of the parameter by the default attribute of Field. When the default attribute of the Field is not null and the request body does not have a corresponding value, Pait injects the value of default into the corresponding variable.

The following is a simple sample code. Both route functions in the sample code directly return the obtained value demo_value. The demo has a default value of the string -- 123, while the demo1 has no default value:

from flask import Flask

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

def api_exception(exc: Exception) -> str:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    return str(exc)

def demo(demo_value: str = field.Query.t(default="123")) -> str:
    return demo_value

def demo1(demo_value: str = field.Query.t()) -> str:
    return demo_value

app = Flask("demo")
app.add_url_rule("/api/demo", view_func=demo, methods=["GET"])
app.add_url_rule("/api/demo1", view_func=demo1, methods=["GET"])

if __name__ == "__main__":
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import PlainTextResponse
from starlette.routing import Route

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> PlainTextResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    return PlainTextResponse(str(exc))

async def demo(demo_value: str = field.Query.t(default="123")) -> PlainTextResponse:
    return PlainTextResponse(demo_value)

async def demo1(demo_value: str = field.Query.t()) -> PlainTextResponse:
    return PlainTextResponse(demo_value)

app = Starlette(
        Route("/api/demo", demo, methods=["GET"]),
        Route("/api/demo1", demo1, methods=["GET"]),
app.add_exception_handler(Exception, api_exception)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from sanic import HTTPResponse, Request, Sanic

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> HTTPResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    return HTTPResponse(str(exc))

async def demo(demo_value: str = field.Query.t(default="123")) -> HTTPResponse:
    return HTTPResponse(demo_value)

async def demo1(demo_value: str = field.Query.t()) -> HTTPResponse:
    return HTTPResponse(demo_value)

app = Sanic("demo")
app.add_route(demo, "/api/demo", methods={"GET"})
app.add_route(demo1, "/api/demo1", methods={"GET"})

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute

class _Handler(RequestHandler):
    def _handle_request_exception(self, exc: BaseException) -> None:
        if isinstance(exc, TipException):
            exc = exc.exc

class DemoHandler(_Handler):
    async def get(self, demo_value: str = field.Query.t(default="123")) -> None:

class Demo1Handler(_Handler):
    async def get(self, demo_value: str = field.Query.t()) -> None:

app: Application = Application([(r"/api/demo", DemoHandler), (r"/api/demo1", Demo1Handler)])

if __name__ == "__main__":

After running the code and calling curl, can see that the /api/demo route returns 123 by default when the demo_value parameter is not passed, while the /api/demo1 route throws an error that the demo_value value was not found, as follows.

curl ""123curl ""Can not found demo_value value

When the demo value parameter passed is 456, both the /api/demo and /api/demo 1 routes will return 456:

curl ""456curl ""456


Error handling uses Tip Exception. You can learn about the function of TipException through Exception Tip.


The feature of default_factory is similar to default, except that the value received by default_factory is a function, which will be executed and inject the return value into the variable when the request hits the route function and Pait cannot find the required value of the variable from the request object.

Sample code is as follows, the default value of the first route function is the current time, the default value of the second route function is uuid, and their return values are generated each time a request is received.

import datetime
import uuid

from flask import Flask

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

def api_exception(exc: Exception) -> str:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    return str(exc)

def demo(demo_value: datetime.datetime = field.Query.t( -> str:
    return str(demo_value)

def demo1(demo_value: str = field.Query.t(default_factory=lambda: uuid.uuid4().hex)) -> str:
    return demo_value

app = Flask("demo")
app.add_url_rule("/api/demo", view_func=demo, methods=["GET"])
app.add_url_rule("/api/demo1", view_func=demo1, methods=["GET"])

if __name__ == "__main__":
import datetime
import uuid

from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import PlainTextResponse
from starlette.routing import Route

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> PlainTextResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    return PlainTextResponse(str(exc))

async def demo(
    demo_value: datetime.datetime = field.Query.t(,
) -> PlainTextResponse:
    return PlainTextResponse(str(demo_value))

async def demo1(demo_value: str = field.Query.t(default_factory=lambda: uuid.uuid4().hex)) -> PlainTextResponse:
    return PlainTextResponse(demo_value)

app = Starlette(
        Route("/api/demo", demo, methods=["GET"]),
        Route("/api/demo1", demo1, methods=["GET"]),
app.add_exception_handler(Exception, api_exception)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
import datetime
import uuid

from sanic import HTTPResponse, Request, Sanic

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> HTTPResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    return HTTPResponse(str(exc))

async def demo(demo_value: datetime.datetime = field.Query.t( -> HTTPResponse:
    return HTTPResponse(str(demo_value))

async def demo1(demo_value: str = field.Query.t(default_factory=lambda: uuid.uuid4().hex)) -> HTTPResponse:
    return HTTPResponse(demo_value)

app = Sanic("demo")
app.add_route(demo, "/api/demo", methods={"GET"})
app.add_route(demo1, "/api/demo1", methods={"GET"})

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
import datetime
import uuid

from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute

class _Handler(RequestHandler):
    def _handle_request_exception(self, exc: BaseException) -> None:
        if isinstance(exc, TipException):
            exc = exc.exc

class DemoHandler(_Handler):
    async def get(self, demo_value: datetime.datetime = field.Query.t( -> None:

class Demo1Handler(_Handler):
    async def get(self, demo_value: str = field.Query.t(default_factory=lambda: uuid.uuid4().hex)) -> None:

app: Application = Application([(r"/api/demo", DemoHandler), (r"/api/demo1", Demo1Handler)])

if __name__ == "__main__":

After running the code and calling curl, can find that the results displayed are different each time:

curl ""2022-02-07T14:54:29.127519curl ""2022-02-07T14:54:33.789994curl ""7e4659e18103471da9db91ed4843d962curl ""ef84f04fa9fc4ea9a8b44449c76146b8


Normally Pait will get data from the request body with the parameter name key, but some parameter names such as Content-Type are not available in Python. In this case, can use alias to set an alias for the variable, as shown in the following sample code:

from flask import Flask

from pait import field
from import pait

def demo(content_type: str = field.Header.t(alias="Content-Type")) -> str:
    return content_type

app = Flask("demo")

app.add_url_rule("/api/demo", view_func=demo, methods=["GET"])

if __name__ == "__main__":
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.responses import PlainTextResponse
from starlette.routing import Route

from pait import field
from import pait

async def demo(content_type: str = field.Header.t(alias="Content-Type")) -> PlainTextResponse:
    return PlainTextResponse(content_type)

app = Starlette(
        Route("/api/demo", demo, methods=["GET"]),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from sanic import HTTPResponse, Sanic

from pait import field
from import pait

async def demo(content_type: str = field.Header.t(alias="Content-Type")) -> HTTPResponse:
    return HTTPResponse(content_type)

app = Sanic("demo")
app.add_route(demo, "/api/demo", methods={"GET"})

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute

class DemoHandler(RequestHandler):
    async def get(self, content_type: str = field.Header.t(alias="Content-Type")) -> None:

app: Application = Application([(r"/api/demo", DemoHandler)])

if __name__ == "__main__":

After running the code and calling the curl command, can find that Pait extracts the value of Content-Type from the header of the request body and assigns it to the content type variable, so the route function can return the value 123 normally:

curl "" -H "Content-Type:123"123

2.4.GT, GE, LT, LE, and multiple of numeric type checks

gt, ge, lt, le, and multiple_of all belong to pydantic’s numerical type checks. They are only used for numerical types and have different functions:

  • gt:A type that is only used for numeric values. It will check whether the value is greater than this value and also add the exclusiveMinimum attribute to the OpenAPI.。
  • ge:A type that is only used for numeric values. It will check whether the value is greater than or equal this value and also add the exclusiveMaximum attribute to the OpenAPI.。
  • lt:A type that is only used for numeric values. It will check whether the value is less than this value and also add the exclusiveMinimum attribute to the OpenAPI.。
  • le:A type that is only used for numeric values. It will check whether the value is less than or equal this value and also add the exclusiveMaximum attribute to the OpenAPI.。
  • multiple_of:Only used for numbers, it will check whether the number is a multiple of the specified value。


from flask import Flask, Response, jsonify
from pydantic import ValidationError

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

def api_exception(exc: Exception) -> Response:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
        return jsonify({"data": exc.errors()})
    return jsonify({"data": str(exc)})

def demo(
    demo_value1: int = field.Query.i(gt=1, lt=10),
    demo_value2: int = field.Query.i(ge=1, le=1),
    demo_value3: int = field.Query.i(multiple_of=3),
) -> dict:
    return {"data": [demo_value1, demo_value2, demo_value3]}

app = Flask("demo")
app.add_url_rule("/api/demo", view_func=demo, methods=["GET"])

if __name__ == "__main__":
from pydantic import ValidationError
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> JSONResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
        return JSONResponse({"data": exc.errors()})
    return JSONResponse({"data": str(exc)})

async def demo(
    demo_value1: int = field.Query.i(gt=1, lt=10),
    demo_value2: int = field.Query.i(ge=1, le=1),
    demo_value3: int = field.Query.i(multiple_of=3),
) -> JSONResponse:
    return JSONResponse({"data": [demo_value1, demo_value2, demo_value3]})

app = Starlette(
        Route("/api/demo", demo, methods=["GET"]),
app.add_exception_handler(Exception, api_exception)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from pydantic import ValidationError
from sanic import HTTPResponse, Request, Sanic, json

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> HTTPResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
        return json({"data": exc.errors()})
    return json({"data": str(exc)})

async def demo(
    demo_value1: int = field.Query.i(gt=1, lt=10),
    demo_value2: int = field.Query.i(ge=1, le=1),
    demo_value3: int = field.Query.i(multiple_of=3),
) -> HTTPResponse:
    return json({"data": [demo_value1, demo_value2, demo_value3]})

app = Sanic("demo")
app.add_route(demo, "/api/demo", methods={"GET"})

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from pydantic import ValidationError
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute

class _Handler(RequestHandler):
    def _handle_request_exception(self, exc: BaseException) -> None:
        if isinstance(exc, TipException):
            exc = exc.exc

        if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
            self.write({"data": exc.errors()})
            self.write({"data": str(exc)})

class DemoHandler(_Handler):
    async def get(
        demo_value1: int = field.Query.i(gt=1, lt=10),
        demo_value2: int = field.Query.i(ge=1, le=1),
        demo_value3: int = field.Query.i(multiple_of=3),
    ) -> None:
        self.write({"data": [demo_value1, demo_value2, demo_value3]})

app: Application = Application([(r"/api/demo", DemoHandler)])

if __name__ == "__main__":

This sample code has only one route function, but it accepts three parameters demo_value1, demo_value2 and demo_value3. They only receive three parameters that are greater than 1 and less than 10, equal to 1 and a multiple of 3 respectively.

After running the code and calling the curl command, can find that the first request meets the requirements and gets the correct response result. However, the values of the demo_value 1, demo_value 2 and demo_value 3 parameters of the second, third and fourth requests are not within the required range, so Pait will generate error message by Pydantic.Validation Error, it can be easily seen that the three parameters do not meet the restrictions set by the route function:

  ~ curl ""
  ~ curl ""
    "data": [
            "ctx": {"limit_value": 10},
            "loc": ["query", "demo_value1"],
            "msg": "ensure this value is less than 10",
            "type": "value_error.number.not_lt"
  ~ curl ""
    "data": [
            "ctx": {"limit_value": 1},
            "loc": ["query", "demo_value2"],
            "msg": "ensure this value is less than or equal to 1",
            "type": "value_error.number.not_le"
  ~ curl ""
    "data": [
            "ctx": {"multiple_of": 3},
            "loc": ["query", "demo_value3"],
            "msg": "ensure this value is a multiple of 3",
            "type": "value_error.number.not_multiple"

2.5.Sequence verification: min_items,max_items

min items and max items both belong to the Sequence type check of pydantic and are only used for the Sequence type. Their functions are different:

  • min_items:Only used for Sequence type, it will check whether Sequence length is greater than or equal to the specified value.。
  • max_items: Only used for Sequence type, it will check whether Sequence length is less than or equal to the specified value.


If using Pydantic version greater than 2.0.0, please use min_length and max_length instead of min_items and max_items.

Sample code is as follows, the route function through the field.MultiQuery from the request Url to obtain the parameter demo_value of the array and return to the caller, where the length of the array is limited to between 1 and 2:

from typing import List

from flask import Flask, Response, jsonify
from pydantic import ValidationError

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

def api_exception(exc: Exception) -> Response:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
        return jsonify({"data": exc.errors()})
    return jsonify({"data": str(exc)})

def demo(
    demo_value: List[int] = field.MultiQuery.i(min_items=1, max_items=2),
) -> dict:
    return {"data": demo_value}

app = Flask("demo")
app.add_url_rule("/api/demo", view_func=demo, methods=["GET"])

if __name__ == "__main__":
from typing import List

from pydantic import ValidationError
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> JSONResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
        return JSONResponse({"data": exc.errors()})
    return JSONResponse({"data": str(exc)})

async def demo(
    demo_value: List[int] = field.MultiQuery.i(min_items=1, max_items=2),
) -> JSONResponse:
    return JSONResponse({"data": demo_value})

app = Starlette(
        Route("/api/demo", demo, methods=["GET"]),
app.add_exception_handler(Exception, api_exception)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from typing import List

from pydantic import ValidationError
from sanic import HTTPResponse, Request, Sanic, json

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> HTTPResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
        return json({"data": exc.errors()})
    return json({"data": str(exc)})

async def demo(demo_value: List[int] = field.MultiQuery.i(min_items=1, max_items=2)) -> HTTPResponse:
    return json({"data": demo_value})

app = Sanic("demo")
app.add_route(demo, "/api/demo", methods={"GET"})

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from typing import List

from pydantic import ValidationError
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute

class _Handler(RequestHandler):
    def _handle_request_exception(self, exc: BaseException) -> None:
        if isinstance(exc, TipException):
            exc = exc.exc

        if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
            self.write({"data": exc.errors()})
            self.write({"data": str(exc)})

class DemoHandler(_Handler):
    async def get(self, demo_value: List[int] = field.MultiQuery.i(min_items=1, max_items=2)) -> None:
        self.write({"data": demo_value})

app: Application = Application([(r"/api/demo", DemoHandler)])

if __name__ == "__main__":

As in 2.4, by calling the curl command can find that legal parameters will be allowed, and illegal parameters will throw an error:

  ~ curl ""
  ~ curl ""
  ~ curl ""
    "data": [
            "loc": [
            "msg": "ensure this value has at most 2 items",
            "type": "value_error.list.max_items",
            "ctx": {
                "limit_value": 2

2.6.String verification: min_length,max_length,regex

min_length, max_length and regex are all part of pydantic's string type checking, which is only used for string types and they serve different purposes:

  • min_length:Only used for string type, it will check whether the length of the string is greater than or equal to the specified value.
  • max_length:Only used for string type, it will check whether the length of the string is less than or equal to the specified value.
  • regex:Only used for string types, it will check whether the string conforms to the regular expression.


If using Pydantic version greater than 2.0.0, please use pattern instead of regex.

The sample code is as follows, the route function needs to obtain a value with a length of 6 and starting with the English letter u from the Url:

from flask import Flask, Response, jsonify
from pydantic import ValidationError

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

def api_exception(exc: Exception) -> Response:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
        return jsonify({"data": exc.errors()})
    return jsonify({"data": str(exc)})

def demo(demo_value: str = field.Query.i(min_length=6, max_length=6, regex="^u")) -> dict:
    return {"data": demo_value}

app = Flask("demo")
app.add_url_rule("/api/demo", view_func=demo, methods=["GET"])

if __name__ == "__main__":
from pydantic import ValidationError
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> JSONResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
        return JSONResponse({"data": exc.errors()})
    return JSONResponse({"data": str(exc)})

async def demo(demo_value: str = field.Query.i(min_length=6, max_length=6, regex="^u")) -> JSONResponse:
    return JSONResponse({"data": demo_value})

app = Starlette(
        Route("/api/demo", demo, methods=["GET"]),
app.add_exception_handler(Exception, api_exception)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from pydantic import ValidationError
from sanic import HTTPResponse, Request, Sanic, json

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> HTTPResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
        return json({"data": exc.errors()})
    return json({"data": str(exc)})

async def demo(demo_value: str = field.Query.i(min_length=6, max_length=6, regex="^u")) -> HTTPResponse:
    return json({"data": demo_value})

app = Sanic("demo")
app.add_route(demo, "/api/demo", methods={"GET"})

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from pydantic import ValidationError
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute

class _Handler(RequestHandler):
    def _handle_request_exception(self, exc: BaseException) -> None:
        if isinstance(exc, TipException):
            exc = exc.exc

        if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
            self.write({"data": exc.errors()})
            self.write({"data": str(exc)})

class DemoHandler(_Handler):
    async def get(self, demo_value: str = field.Query.i(min_length=6, max_length=6, regex="^u")) -> None:
        self.write({"data": demo_value})

app: Application = Application([(r"/api/demo", DemoHandler)])

if __name__ == "__main__":

Run the code and use curl to make three requests. It can be seen from the results that the result of the first request is normal, the result of the second request does not meet the regular expression and the result length of the third request does not meet the requirements:

  ~ curl ""
  ~ curl ""
{"data":[{"loc":["demo_value"],"msg":"string does not match regex \"^u\"","type":"value_error.str.regex","ctx":{"pattern":"^u"}}]}
  ~ curl ""
{"data":[{"loc":["demo_value"],"msg":"ensure this value has at least 6 characters","type":"value_error.any_str.min_length","ctx":{"limit_value":6}}]}


Sample code is as follows, the route function requires two values, the first value for the entire client passed the Json parameters and the second value for the client passed the Json parameters in the Key for a value:

from flask import Flask, Response, jsonify
from pydantic import ValidationError

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

def api_exception(exc: Exception) -> Response:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
        return jsonify({"data": exc.errors()})
    return jsonify({"data": str(exc)})

def demo(
    demo_value: dict = field.Json.i(raw_return=True),
    a: str = field.Json.i(),
) -> dict:
    return {"data": demo_value, "a": a}

app = Flask("demo")
app.add_url_rule("/api/demo", view_func=demo, methods=["POST"])

if __name__ == "__main__":
from pydantic import ValidationError
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> JSONResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
        return JSONResponse({"data": exc.errors()})
    return JSONResponse({"data": str(exc)})

async def demo(
    demo_value: dict = field.Json.i(raw_return=True),
    a: str = field.Json.i(),
) -> JSONResponse:
    return JSONResponse({"data": demo_value, "a": a})

app = Starlette(
        Route("/api/demo", demo, methods=["POST"]),
app.add_exception_handler(Exception, api_exception)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from pydantic import ValidationError
from sanic import HTTPResponse, Request, Sanic, json

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> HTTPResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
        return json({"data": exc.errors()})
    return json({"data": str(exc)})

async def demo(
    demo_value: dict = field.Json.i(raw_return=True),
    a: str = field.Json.i(),
) -> HTTPResponse:
    return json({"data": demo_value, "a": a})

app = Sanic("demo")
app.add_route(demo, "/api/demo", methods={"POST"})

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn  # type: ignore
from pydantic import ValidationError
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute

class _Handler(RequestHandler):
    def _handle_request_exception(self, exc: BaseException) -> None:
        if isinstance(exc, TipException):
            exc = exc.exc

        if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
            self.write({"data": exc.errors()})
            self.write({"data": str(exc)})

class DemoHandler(_Handler):
    async def post(
        demo_value: dict = field.Json.i(raw_return=True),
        a: str = field.Json.i(),
    ) -> None:
        self.write({"data": demo_value, "a": a})

app: Application = Application([(r"/api/demo", DemoHandler)])

if __name__ == "__main__":

Run the code and call the curl command and can find that the results are as expected:

curl "" \ -X POST -d '{"a": "1", "b": "2"}' \ --header "Content-Type: application/json"

2.8.Custom query cannot find value exception

Under normal circumstances, if there is no data required by Pait in the request object, Pait will throw a Not Found Value Exception exception. In addition, Pait also supports developers to customize exception handling through not_value_exception_func.

For example, the route function in the code below has two variables. The first variable demo_value1 does not have any Field attributes set. The second variable demo_value2 sets the not_value_exception_func attribute to lambda param: RuntimeError(f"not found {} data"):

from flask import Flask, Response, jsonify
from pydantic import ValidationError

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

def api_exception(exc: Exception) -> Response:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
        return jsonify({"data": exc.errors()})
    return jsonify({"data": str(exc)})

def demo(
    demo_value1: str = field.Query.i(),
    demo_value2: str = field.Query.i(
        not_value_exception_func=lambda param: RuntimeError(f"not found {} data")
) -> dict:
    return {"data": {"demo_value1": demo_value1, "demo_value2": demo_value2}}

app = Flask("demo")
app.add_url_rule("/api/demo", view_func=demo, methods=["GET"])

if __name__ == "__main__":
from pydantic import ValidationError
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> JSONResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
        return JSONResponse({"data": exc.errors()})
    return JSONResponse({"data": str(exc)})

async def demo(
    demo_value1: str = field.Query.i(),
    demo_value2: str = field.Query.i(
        not_value_exception_func=lambda param: RuntimeError(f"not found {} data")
) -> JSONResponse:
    return JSONResponse({"data": {"demo_value1": demo_value1, "demo_value2": demo_value2}})

app = Starlette(
        Route("/api/demo", demo, methods=["GET"]),
app.add_exception_handler(Exception, api_exception)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from pydantic import ValidationError
from sanic import HTTPResponse, Request, Sanic, json

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException

async def api_exception(request: Request, exc: Exception) -> HTTPResponse:
    if isinstance(exc, TipException):
        exc = exc.exc
    if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
        return json({"data": exc.errors()})
    return json({"data": str(exc)})

async def demo(
    demo_value1: str = field.Query.i(),
    demo_value2: str = field.Query.i(
        not_value_exception_func=lambda param: RuntimeError(f"not found {} data")
) -> HTTPResponse:
    return json({"data": {"demo_value1": demo_value1, "demo_value2": demo_value2}})

app = Sanic("demo")
app.add_route(demo, "/api/demo", methods={"GET"})

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
from pydantic import ValidationError
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler

from pait import field
from import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute

class _Handler(RequestHandler):
    def _handle_request_exception(self, exc: BaseException) -> None:
        if isinstance(exc, TipException):
            exc = exc.exc

        if isinstance(exc, ValidationError):
            self.write({"data": exc.errors()})
            self.write({"data": str(exc)})

class DemoHandler(_Handler):
    async def get(
        demo_value1: str = field.Query.i(),
        demo_value2: str = field.Query.i(
            not_value_exception_func=lambda param: RuntimeError(f"not found {} data")
    ) -> None:
        self.write({"data": {"demo_value1": demo_value1, "demo_value2": demo_value2}})

app: Application = Application([(r"/api/demo", DemoHandler)])

if __name__ == "__main__":

Then run the code and execute the following curl command in the terminal:

curl ""{"data": {"demo_value1": "1", "demo_value2": "2"}}curl ""{"data": "Can not found demo_value1 value"}curl ""{"data":"not found demo_value2 data"}

Through the output results, can see that the responses to the missing value of demo_value1 and the missing value of demo_value2 are different. The missing value exception message of demo_value2 is thrown by lambda param: RuntimeError(f"not found {} data").

2.8.Other Feature

In addition to the above feature, Pait also has other feature, which can be found in the corresponding module documentation:

Attribute document description
links OpenAPI support OpenAPI's Link
media_type OpenAPI OpenAPI Schememedia type。
openapi_serialization OpenAPI Specify the serialization method of OpenAPI Schema.
example OpenAPI Example values for documentation, mock requests and responses. values support variables and callable functions such as, it is recommended to use faker used together.
description OpenAPI OpenAPI parameter description
openapi_include OpenAPI Defines whether this field needs to be processed by OpenAPI. The default is True.
extra_param_list Plugin The extra parameter list of the plugin. The default is None.