中起到了至关重要的作用, Pait
对象获取数据来源外, 还可以实现其它的功能, 不过本章中只着重说明参数校验。
除了介绍 提到的Body
外, 还有其他不同含义的Field
对象, 它们的名称和作用如下:
Body: 获取当前请求的json数据
Cookie: 获取当前请求的cookie数据(注意, 目前Cookie数据会被转化为Python的dict对象, 这意味着Cookie的Key不能重复。建议当Field为Cookie时,参数的类型为str)
Header: 获取当前请求的header数据
Json: 获取当前请求的json数据(与Body一样)
Path: 获取当前请求的path数据,如/api/{version}/test
Query: 获取当前请求的Url参数对应的数据,如果有多个重复Key,只会返回第一个值
MultiForm:获取当前请求的form数据, 返回Key对应的数据列表
MultiQuery:获取当前请求的Url参数对应的数据, 返回Key对应的数据列表
Flask Starlette Sanic Tornado
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/flask_demo.py from enum import Enum
from typing import List , Optional
from flask import Flask
from pait.app.flask import pait
from pait.field import Cookie , Form , MultiForm , MultiQuery , Path , Query
class SexEnum ( str , Enum ):
man : str = "man"
woman : str = "woman"
@pait ()
def demo_route (
a : str = Form . t ( description = "form data" ),
b : str = Form . t ( description = "form data" ),
c : List [ str ] = MultiForm . t ( description = "form data" ),
cookie : dict = Cookie . t ( raw_return = True , description = "cookie" ),
multi_user_name : List [ str ] = MultiQuery . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
age : int = Path . t ( description = "age" , gt = 1 , lt = 100 ),
uid : int = Query . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
user_name : str = Query . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
email : Optional [ str ] = Query . t ( default = "example@xxx.com" , description = "user email" ),
sex : SexEnum = Query . t ( description = "sex" ),
) -> dict :
return {
"code" : 0 ,
"msg" : "" ,
"data" : {
"form_a" : a ,
"form_b" : b ,
"form_c" : c ,
"cookie" : cookie ,
"multi_user_name" : multi_user_name ,
"age" : age ,
"uid" : uid ,
"user_name" : user_name ,
"email" : email ,
"sex" : sex ,
app = Flask ( "demo" )
app . add_url_rule ( "/api/demo/<age>" , "demo" , demo_route , methods = [ "POST" ])
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . run ( port = 8000 )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/starlette_demo.py from enum import Enum
from typing import List , Optional
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from pait.app.starlette import pait
from pait.field import Cookie , Form , MultiForm , MultiQuery , Path , Query
class SexEnum ( str , Enum ):
man : str = "man"
woman : str = "woman"
@pait ()
async def demo_route (
a : str = Form . t ( description = "form data" ),
b : str = Form . t ( description = "form data" ),
c : List [ str ] = MultiForm . t ( description = "form data" ),
cookie : dict = Cookie . t ( raw_return = True , description = "cookie" ),
multi_user_name : List [ str ] = MultiQuery . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
age : int = Path . t ( description = "age" , gt = 1 , lt = 100 ),
uid : int = Query . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
user_name : str = Query . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
email : Optional [ str ] = Query . t ( default = "example@xxx.com" , description = "user email" ),
sex : SexEnum = Query . t ( description = "sex" ),
) -> JSONResponse :
return JSONResponse (
"code" : 0 ,
"msg" : "" ,
"data" : {
"form_a" : a ,
"form_b" : b ,
"form_c" : c ,
"cookie" : cookie ,
"multi_user_name" : multi_user_name ,
"age" : age ,
"uid" : uid ,
"user_name" : user_name ,
"email" : email ,
"sex" : sex ,
app : Starlette = Starlette ()
app . add_route ( "/api/demo/ {age} " , demo_route , methods = [ "POST" ])
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/sanic_demo.py from enum import Enum
from typing import List , Optional
from sanic import HTTPResponse , Sanic , json
from pait.app.sanic import pait
from pait.field import Cookie , Form , MultiForm , MultiQuery , Path , Query
class SexEnum ( str , Enum ):
man : str = "man"
woman : str = "woman"
@pait ()
async def demo_route (
a : str = Form . t ( description = "form data" ),
b : str = Form . t ( description = "form data" ),
c : List [ str ] = MultiForm . t ( description = "form data" ),
cookie : dict = Cookie . t ( raw_return = True , description = "cookie" ),
multi_user_name : List [ str ] = MultiQuery . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
age : int = Path . t ( description = "age" , gt = 1 , lt = 100 ),
uid : int = Query . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
user_name : str = Query . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
email : Optional [ str ] = Query . t ( default = "example@xxx.com" , description = "user email" ),
sex : SexEnum = Query . t ( description = "sex" ),
) -> HTTPResponse :
return json (
"code" : 0 ,
"msg" : "" ,
"data" : {
"form_a" : a ,
"form_b" : b ,
"form_c" : c ,
"cookie" : cookie ,
"multi_user_name" : multi_user_name ,
"age" : age ,
"uid" : uid ,
"user_name" : user_name ,
"email" : email ,
"sex" : sex ,
app : Sanic = Sanic ( name = "demo" )
app . add_route ( demo_route , "/api/demo/<age>" , methods = { "POST" })
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . run ()
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/tornado_demo.py from enum import Enum
from typing import List , Optional
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application , RequestHandler
from pait.app.tornado import pait
from pait.field import Cookie , Form , MultiForm , MultiQuery , Path , Query
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class SexEnum ( str , Enum ):
man : str = "man"
woman : str = "woman"
class DemoHandler ( RequestHandler ):
@pait ()
async def post (
self ,
a : str = Form . t ( description = "form data" ),
b : str = Form . t ( description = "form data" ),
c : List [ str ] = MultiForm . t ( description = "form data" ),
cookie : dict = Cookie . t ( raw_return = True , description = "cookie" ),
multi_user_name : List [ str ] = MultiQuery . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
age : int = Path . t ( description = "age" , gt = 1 , lt = 100 ),
uid : int = Query . t ( description = "user id" , gt = 10 , lt = 1000 ),
user_name : str = Query . t ( description = "user name" , min_length = 2 , max_length = 4 ),
email : Optional [ str ] = Query . t ( default = "example@xxx.com" , description = "user email" ),
sex : SexEnum = Query . t ( description = "sex" ),
) -> None :
self . write (
"code" : 0 ,
"msg" : "" ,
"data" : {
"form_a" : a ,
"form_b" : b ,
"form_c" : c ,
"cookie" : cookie ,
"multi_user_name" : multi_user_name ,
"age" : age ,
"uid" : uid ,
"user_name" : user_name ,
"email" : email ,
"sex" : sex ,
app : Application = Application ([( r "/api/demo/(?P<age>\w+)" , DemoHandler )])
AddDocRoute ( app )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . listen ( 8000 )
IOLoop . instance () . start ()
curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'Cookie: cookie=aaa,aaa' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d 'a=aaa&b=bbb&c=ccc1&c=ccc2'
"code" : 0 ,
"data" : {
"age" : 18 ,
"cookie" : {
"cookie" : "aaa,aaa"
"email" : "example@xxx.com" ,
"form_a" : "aaa" ,
"form_b" : "bbb" ,
"form_c" : [
"ccc1" ,
"multi_user_name" : [
"aaa" ,
"sex" : "man" ,
"uid" : 999 ,
"user_name" : "so1n"
"msg" : ""
参数, 但是接口返回的响应值中的email
, 这样Pait
除了默认值之外, Field
接口带有默认值, 默认值为字符串123,而demo1
Flask Starlette Sanic Tornado
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/flask_with_default_demo.py from flask import Flask
from pait import field
from pait.app.flask import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
def api_exception ( exc : Exception ) -> str :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
return str ( exc )
@pait ()
def demo ( demo_value : str = field . Query . t ( default = "123" )) -> str :
return demo_value
@pait ()
def demo1 ( demo_value : str = field . Query . t ()) -> str :
return demo_value
app = Flask ( "demo" )
app . add_url_rule ( "/api/demo" , view_func = demo , methods = [ "GET" ])
app . add_url_rule ( "/api/demo1" , view_func = demo1 , methods = [ "GET" ])
app . errorhandler ( Exception )( api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . run ( port = 8000 )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/starlette_with_default_demo.py from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import PlainTextResponse
from starlette.routing import Route
from pait import field
from pait.app.starlette import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
async def api_exception ( request : Request , exc : Exception ) -> PlainTextResponse :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
return PlainTextResponse ( str ( exc ))
@pait ()
async def demo ( demo_value : str = field . Query . t ( default = "123" )) -> PlainTextResponse :
return PlainTextResponse ( demo_value )
@pait ()
async def demo1 ( demo_value : str = field . Query . t ()) -> PlainTextResponse :
return PlainTextResponse ( demo_value )
app = Starlette (
routes = [
Route ( "/api/demo" , demo , methods = [ "GET" ]),
Route ( "/api/demo1" , demo1 , methods = [ "GET" ]),
app . add_exception_handler ( Exception , api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/sanic_with_default_demo.py from sanic import HTTPResponse , Request , Sanic
from pait import field
from pait.app.sanic import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
async def api_exception ( request : Request , exc : Exception ) -> HTTPResponse :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
return HTTPResponse ( str ( exc ))
@pait ()
async def demo ( demo_value : str = field . Query . t ( default = "123" )) -> HTTPResponse :
return HTTPResponse ( demo_value )
@pait ()
async def demo1 ( demo_value : str = field . Query . t ()) -> HTTPResponse :
return HTTPResponse ( demo_value )
app = Sanic ( "demo" )
app . add_route ( demo , "/api/demo" , methods = { "GET" })
app . add_route ( demo1 , "/api/demo1" , methods = { "GET" })
app . exception ( Exception )( api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/tornado_with_default_demo.py from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application , RequestHandler
from pait import field
from pait.app.tornado import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class _Handler ( RequestHandler ):
def _handle_request_exception ( self , exc : BaseException ) -> None :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
self . write ( str ( exc ))
self . finish ()
class DemoHandler ( _Handler ):
@pait ()
async def get ( self , demo_value : str = field . Query . t ( default = "123" )) -> None :
self . write ( demo_value )
class Demo1Handler ( _Handler ):
@pait ()
async def get ( self , demo_value : str = field . Query . t ()) -> None :
self . write ( demo_value )
app : Application = Application ([( r "/api/demo" , DemoHandler ), ( r "/api/demo1" , Demo1Handler )])
AddDocRoute ( app )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . listen ( 8000 )
IOLoop . instance () . start ()
路由默认返回123, 而/api/demo1
curl "" 123 curl "" Can not found demo_value value
curl "" 456 curl "" 456
,可以通过异常提示 了解TipException
示例代码如下,第一个接口的默认值是当前时间, 第二个接口的默认值是uuid,他们每次的返回值都是收到请求时生成的:
Flask Starlette Sanic Tornado
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/flask_with_default_factory_demo.py import datetime
import uuid
from flask import Flask
from pait import field
from pait.app.flask import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
def api_exception ( exc : Exception ) -> str :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
return str ( exc )
@pait ()
def demo ( demo_value : datetime . datetime = field . Query . t ( default_factory = datetime . datetime . now )) -> str :
return str ( demo_value )
@pait ()
def demo1 ( demo_value : str = field . Query . t ( default_factory = lambda : uuid . uuid4 () . hex )) -> str :
return demo_value
app = Flask ( "demo" )
app . add_url_rule ( "/api/demo" , view_func = demo , methods = [ "GET" ])
app . add_url_rule ( "/api/demo1" , view_func = demo1 , methods = [ "GET" ])
app . errorhandler ( Exception )( api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . run ( port = 8000 )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/starlette_with_default_factory_demo.py import datetime
import uuid
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import PlainTextResponse
from starlette.routing import Route
from pait import field
from pait.app.starlette import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
async def api_exception ( request : Request , exc : Exception ) -> PlainTextResponse :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
return PlainTextResponse ( str ( exc ))
@pait ()
async def demo (
demo_value : datetime . datetime = field . Query . t ( default_factory = datetime . datetime . now ),
) -> PlainTextResponse :
return PlainTextResponse ( str ( demo_value ))
@pait ()
async def demo1 ( demo_value : str = field . Query . t ( default_factory = lambda : uuid . uuid4 () . hex )) -> PlainTextResponse :
return PlainTextResponse ( demo_value )
app = Starlette (
routes = [
Route ( "/api/demo" , demo , methods = [ "GET" ]),
Route ( "/api/demo1" , demo1 , methods = [ "GET" ]),
app . add_exception_handler ( Exception , api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/sanic_with_default_factory_demo.py import datetime
import uuid
from sanic import HTTPResponse , Request , Sanic
from pait import field
from pait.app.sanic import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
async def api_exception ( request : Request , exc : Exception ) -> HTTPResponse :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
return HTTPResponse ( str ( exc ))
@pait ()
async def demo ( demo_value : datetime . datetime = field . Query . t ( default_factory = datetime . datetime . now )) -> HTTPResponse :
return HTTPResponse ( str ( demo_value ))
@pait ()
async def demo1 ( demo_value : str = field . Query . t ( default_factory = lambda : uuid . uuid4 () . hex )) -> HTTPResponse :
return HTTPResponse ( demo_value )
app = Sanic ( "demo" )
app . add_route ( demo , "/api/demo" , methods = { "GET" })
app . add_route ( demo1 , "/api/demo1" , methods = { "GET" })
app . exception ( Exception )( api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/tornado_with_default_factory_demo.py import datetime
import uuid
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application , RequestHandler
from pait import field
from pait.app.tornado import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class _Handler ( RequestHandler ):
def _handle_request_exception ( self , exc : BaseException ) -> None :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
self . write ( str ( exc ))
self . finish ()
class DemoHandler ( _Handler ):
@pait ()
async def get ( self , demo_value : datetime . datetime = field . Query . t ( default_factory = datetime . datetime . now )) -> None :
self . write ( str ( demo_value ))
class Demo1Handler ( _Handler ):
@pait ()
async def get ( self , demo_value : str = field . Query . t ( default_factory = lambda : uuid . uuid4 () . hex )) -> None :
self . write ( demo_value )
app : Application = Application ([( r "/api/demo" , DemoHandler ), ( r "/api/demo1" , Demo1Handler )])
AddDocRoute ( app )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . listen ( 8000 )
IOLoop . instance () . start ()
curl "" 2022-02-07T14:54:29.127519 curl "" 2022-02-07T14:54:33.789994 curl "" 7e4659e18103471da9db91ed4843d962 curl "" ef84f04fa9fc4ea9a8b44449c76146b8
是Python不支持的变量命名方式, 此时可以使用alias
Flask Starlette Sanic Tornado
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/flask_with_alias_demo.py from flask import Flask
from pait import field
from pait.app.flask import pait
@pait ()
def demo ( content_type : str = field . Header . t ( alias = "Content-Type" )) -> str :
return content_type
app = Flask ( "demo" )
app . add_url_rule ( "/api/demo" , view_func = demo , methods = [ "GET" ])
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . run ( port = 8000 )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/starlette_with_alias_demo.py from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.responses import PlainTextResponse
from starlette.routing import Route
from pait import field
from pait.app.starlette import pait
@pait ()
async def demo ( content_type : str = field . Header . t ( alias = "Content-Type" )) -> PlainTextResponse :
return PlainTextResponse ( content_type )
app = Starlette (
routes = [
Route ( "/api/demo" , demo , methods = [ "GET" ]),
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/sanic_with_alias_demo.py from sanic import HTTPResponse , Sanic
from pait import field
from pait.app.sanic import pait
@pait ()
async def demo ( content_type : str = field . Header . t ( alias = "Content-Type" )) -> HTTPResponse :
return HTTPResponse ( content_type )
app = Sanic ( "demo" )
app . add_route ( demo , "/api/demo" , methods = { "GET" })
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/tornado_with_alias_demo.py from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application , RequestHandler
from pait import field
from pait.app.tornado import pait
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class DemoHandler ( RequestHandler ):
@pait ()
async def get ( self , content_type : str = field . Header . t ( alias = "Content-Type" )) -> None :
self . write ( content_type )
app : Application = Application ([( r "/api/demo" , DemoHandler )])
AddDocRoute ( app )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . listen ( 8000 )
IOLoop . instance () . start ()
curl "" -H "Content-Type:123" 123
的数值类型校验, 仅用于数值的类型,他们的作用各不相同:
multiple_of:仅用于数字, 会校验该数字是否是指定值得倍数。
Flask Starlette Sanic Tornado
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/flask_with_num_check_demo.py from flask import Flask , Response , jsonify
from pydantic import ValidationError
from pait import field
from pait.app.flask import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
def api_exception ( exc : Exception ) -> Response :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
if isinstance ( exc , ValidationError ):
return jsonify ({ "data" : exc . errors ()})
return jsonify ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
@pait ()
def demo (
demo_value1 : int = field . Query . i ( gt = 1 , lt = 10 ),
demo_value2 : int = field . Query . i ( ge = 1 , le = 1 ),
demo_value3 : int = field . Query . i ( multiple_of = 3 ),
) -> dict :
return { "data" : [ demo_value1 , demo_value2 , demo_value3 ]}
app = Flask ( "demo" )
app . add_url_rule ( "/api/demo" , view_func = demo , methods = [ "GET" ])
app . errorhandler ( Exception )( api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . run ( port = 8000 )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/starlette_with_num_check_demo.py from pydantic import ValidationError
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route
from pait import field
from pait.app.starlette import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
async def api_exception ( request : Request , exc : Exception ) -> JSONResponse :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
if isinstance ( exc , ValidationError ):
return JSONResponse ({ "data" : exc . errors ()})
return JSONResponse ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
@pait ()
async def demo (
demo_value1 : int = field . Query . i ( gt = 1 , lt = 10 ),
demo_value2 : int = field . Query . i ( ge = 1 , le = 1 ),
demo_value3 : int = field . Query . i ( multiple_of = 3 ),
) -> JSONResponse :
return JSONResponse ({ "data" : [ demo_value1 , demo_value2 , demo_value3 ]})
app = Starlette (
routes = [
Route ( "/api/demo" , demo , methods = [ "GET" ]),
app . add_exception_handler ( Exception , api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/sanic_with_num_check_demo.py from pydantic import ValidationError
from sanic import HTTPResponse , Request , Sanic , json
from pait import field
from pait.app.sanic import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
async def api_exception ( request : Request , exc : Exception ) -> HTTPResponse :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
if isinstance ( exc , ValidationError ):
return json ({ "data" : exc . errors ()})
return json ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
@pait ()
async def demo (
demo_value1 : int = field . Query . i ( gt = 1 , lt = 10 ),
demo_value2 : int = field . Query . i ( ge = 1 , le = 1 ),
demo_value3 : int = field . Query . i ( multiple_of = 3 ),
) -> HTTPResponse :
return json ({ "data" : [ demo_value1 , demo_value2 , demo_value3 ]})
app = Sanic ( "demo" )
app . add_route ( demo , "/api/demo" , methods = { "GET" })
app . exception ( Exception )( api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/tornado_with_num_check_demo.py from pydantic import ValidationError
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application , RequestHandler
from pait import field
from pait.app.tornado import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class _Handler ( RequestHandler ):
def _handle_request_exception ( self , exc : BaseException ) -> None :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
if isinstance ( exc , ValidationError ):
self . write ({ "data" : exc . errors ()})
else :
self . write ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
self . finish ()
class DemoHandler ( _Handler ):
@pait ()
async def get (
self ,
demo_value1 : int = field . Query . i ( gt = 1 , lt = 10 ),
demo_value2 : int = field . Query . i ( ge = 1 , le = 1 ),
demo_value3 : int = field . Query . i ( multiple_of = 3 ),
) -> None :
self . write ({ "data" : [ demo_value1 , demo_value2 , demo_value3 ]})
app : Application = Application ([( r "/api/demo" , DemoHandler )])
AddDocRoute ( app )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . listen ( 8000 )
IOLoop . instance () . start ()
, demo_value2
, demo_value3
➜ ~ curl ""
{ "data" :[ 2 ,1,3]}
➜ ~ curl ""
"data" : [
"ctx" : { "limit_value" : 10 } ,
"loc" : [ "query" , "demo_value1" ] ,
"msg" : "ensure this value is less than 10" ,
"type" : "value_error.number.not_lt"
➜ ~ curl ""
"data" : [
"ctx" : { "limit_value" : 1 } ,
"loc" : [ "query" , "demo_value2" ] ,
"msg" : "ensure this value is less than or equal to 1" ,
"type" : "value_error.number.not_le"
➜ ~ curl ""
"data" : [
"ctx" : { "multiple_of" : 3 } ,
"loc" : [ "query" , "demo_value3" ] ,
"msg" : "ensure this value is a multiple of 3" ,
"type" : "value_error.number.not_multiple"
max_items: 仅用于Sequence
Flask Starlette Sanic Tornado
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/flask_with_item_check_demo.py from typing import List
from flask import Flask , Response , jsonify
from pydantic import ValidationError
from pait import field
from pait.app.flask import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
def api_exception ( exc : Exception ) -> Response :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
if isinstance ( exc , ValidationError ):
return jsonify ({ "data" : exc . errors ()})
return jsonify ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
@pait ()
def demo (
demo_value : List [ int ] = field . MultiQuery . i ( min_items = 1 , max_items = 2 ),
) -> dict :
return { "data" : demo_value }
app = Flask ( "demo" )
app . add_url_rule ( "/api/demo" , view_func = demo , methods = [ "GET" ])
app . errorhandler ( Exception )( api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . run ( port = 8000 )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/starlette_with_item_check_demo.py from typing import List
from pydantic import ValidationError
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route
from pait import field
from pait.app.starlette import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
async def api_exception ( request : Request , exc : Exception ) -> JSONResponse :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
if isinstance ( exc , ValidationError ):
return JSONResponse ({ "data" : exc . errors ()})
return JSONResponse ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
@pait ()
async def demo (
demo_value : List [ int ] = field . MultiQuery . i ( min_items = 1 , max_items = 2 ),
) -> JSONResponse :
return JSONResponse ({ "data" : demo_value })
app = Starlette (
routes = [
Route ( "/api/demo" , demo , methods = [ "GET" ]),
app . add_exception_handler ( Exception , api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/sanic_with_item_check_demo.py from typing import List
from pydantic import ValidationError
from sanic import HTTPResponse , Request , Sanic , json
from pait import field
from pait.app.sanic import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
async def api_exception ( request : Request , exc : Exception ) -> HTTPResponse :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
if isinstance ( exc , ValidationError ):
return json ({ "data" : exc . errors ()})
return json ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
@pait ()
async def demo ( demo_value : List [ int ] = field . MultiQuery . i ( min_items = 1 , max_items = 2 )) -> HTTPResponse :
return json ({ "data" : demo_value })
app = Sanic ( "demo" )
app . add_route ( demo , "/api/demo" , methods = { "GET" })
app . exception ( Exception )( api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/tornado_with_item_check_demo.py from typing import List
from pydantic import ValidationError
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application , RequestHandler
from pait import field
from pait.app.tornado import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class _Handler ( RequestHandler ):
def _handle_request_exception ( self , exc : BaseException ) -> None :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
if isinstance ( exc , ValidationError ):
self . write ({ "data" : exc . errors ()})
else :
self . write ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
self . finish ()
class DemoHandler ( _Handler ):
@pait ()
async def get ( self , demo_value : List [ int ] = field . MultiQuery . i ( min_items = 1 , max_items = 2 )) -> None :
self . write ({ "data" : demo_value })
app : Application = Application ([( r "/api/demo" , DemoHandler )])
AddDocRoute ( app )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . listen ( 8000 )
IOLoop . instance () . start ()
➜ ~ curl ""
{ "data" :[ 1 ]}
➜ ~ curl ""
{ "data" :[ 1 ,2]}
➜ ~ curl ""
"data" : [
"loc" : [
] ,
"msg" : "ensure this value has at most 2 items" ,
"type" : "value_error.list.max_items" ,
"ctx" : {
"limit_value" : 2
示例代码如下, 该路由函数需要从Url中获取一个长度大小为6并以英文字母u开头的值:
Flask Starlette Sanic Tornado
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/flask_with_string_check_demo.py from flask import Flask , Response , jsonify
from pydantic import ValidationError
from pait import field
from pait.app.flask import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
def api_exception ( exc : Exception ) -> Response :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
if isinstance ( exc , ValidationError ):
return jsonify ({ "data" : exc . errors ()})
return jsonify ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
@pait ()
def demo ( demo_value : str = field . Query . i ( min_length = 6 , max_length = 6 , regex = "^u" )) -> dict :
return { "data" : demo_value }
app = Flask ( "demo" )
app . add_url_rule ( "/api/demo" , view_func = demo , methods = [ "GET" ])
app . errorhandler ( Exception )( api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . run ( port = 8000 )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/starlette_with_string_check_demo.py from pydantic import ValidationError
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route
from pait import field
from pait.app.starlette import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
async def api_exception ( request : Request , exc : Exception ) -> JSONResponse :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
if isinstance ( exc , ValidationError ):
return JSONResponse ({ "data" : exc . errors ()})
return JSONResponse ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
@pait ()
async def demo ( demo_value : str = field . Query . i ( min_length = 6 , max_length = 6 , regex = "^u" )) -> JSONResponse :
return JSONResponse ({ "data" : demo_value })
app = Starlette (
routes = [
Route ( "/api/demo" , demo , methods = [ "GET" ]),
app . add_exception_handler ( Exception , api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/sanic_with_string_check_demo.py from pydantic import ValidationError
from sanic import HTTPResponse , Request , Sanic , json
from pait import field
from pait.app.sanic import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
async def api_exception ( request : Request , exc : Exception ) -> HTTPResponse :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
if isinstance ( exc , ValidationError ):
return json ({ "data" : exc . errors ()})
return json ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
@pait ()
async def demo ( demo_value : str = field . Query . i ( min_length = 6 , max_length = 6 , regex = "^u" )) -> HTTPResponse :
return json ({ "data" : demo_value })
app = Sanic ( "demo" )
app . add_route ( demo , "/api/demo" , methods = { "GET" })
app . exception ( Exception )( api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/tornado_with_string_check_demo.py from pydantic import ValidationError
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application , RequestHandler
from pait import field
from pait.app.tornado import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class _Handler ( RequestHandler ):
def _handle_request_exception ( self , exc : BaseException ) -> None :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
if isinstance ( exc , ValidationError ):
self . write ({ "data" : exc . errors ()})
else :
self . write ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
self . finish ()
class DemoHandler ( _Handler ):
@pait ()
async def get ( self , demo_value : str = field . Query . i ( min_length = 6 , max_length = 6 , regex = "^u" )) -> None :
self . write ({ "data" : demo_value })
app : Application = Application ([( r "/api/demo" , DemoHandler )])
AddDocRoute ( app )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . listen ( 8000 )
IOLoop . instance () . start ()
➜ ~ curl ""
{ "data" :"u66666" }
➜ ~ curl ""
{ "data" :[{ "loc" :[ "demo_value" ] ,"msg" :"string does not match regex \"^u\"" ,"type" :"value_error.str.regex" ,"ctx" :{ "pattern" :"^u" }}]}
➜ ~ curl ""
{ "data" :[{ "loc" :[ "demo_value" ] ,"msg" :"ensure this value has at least 6 characters" ,"type" :"value_error.any_str.min_length" ,"ctx" :{ "limit_value" :6}}]}
为key从请求数据获取值, 而是把整个请求值返回给对应的变量。
示例代码如下, 该接口为一个POST接口, 它需要两个值,第一个值为整个客户端传过来的Json参数, 而第二个值为客户端传过来的Json参数中Key为a的值:
Flask Starlette Sanic Tornado
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/flask_with_raw_return_demo.py from flask import Flask , Response , jsonify
from pydantic import ValidationError
from pait import field
from pait.app.flask import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
def api_exception ( exc : Exception ) -> Response :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
if isinstance ( exc , ValidationError ):
return jsonify ({ "data" : exc . errors ()})
return jsonify ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
@pait ()
def demo (
demo_value : dict = field . Json . i ( raw_return = True ),
a : str = field . Json . i (),
) -> dict :
return { "data" : demo_value , "a" : a }
app = Flask ( "demo" )
app . add_url_rule ( "/api/demo" , view_func = demo , methods = [ "POST" ])
app . errorhandler ( Exception )( api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . run ( port = 8000 )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/starlette_with_raw_return_demo.py from pydantic import ValidationError
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route
from pait import field
from pait.app.starlette import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
async def api_exception ( request : Request , exc : Exception ) -> JSONResponse :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
if isinstance ( exc , ValidationError ):
return JSONResponse ({ "data" : exc . errors ()})
return JSONResponse ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
@pait ()
async def demo (
demo_value : dict = field . Json . i ( raw_return = True ),
a : str = field . Json . i (),
) -> JSONResponse :
return JSONResponse ({ "data" : demo_value , "a" : a })
app = Starlette (
routes = [
Route ( "/api/demo" , demo , methods = [ "POST" ]),
app . add_exception_handler ( Exception , api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/sanic_with_raw_return_demo.py from pydantic import ValidationError
from sanic import HTTPResponse , Request , Sanic , json
from pait import field
from pait.app.sanic import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
async def api_exception ( request : Request , exc : Exception ) -> HTTPResponse :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
if isinstance ( exc , ValidationError ):
return json ({ "data" : exc . errors ()})
return json ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
@pait ()
async def demo (
demo_value : dict = field . Json . i ( raw_return = True ),
a : str = field . Json . i (),
) -> HTTPResponse :
return json ({ "data" : demo_value , "a" : a })
app = Sanic ( "demo" )
app . add_route ( demo , "/api/demo" , methods = { "POST" })
app . exception ( Exception )( api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn # type: ignore
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/tornado_with_raw_return_demo.py from pydantic import ValidationError
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application , RequestHandler
from pait import field
from pait.app.tornado import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class _Handler ( RequestHandler ):
def _handle_request_exception ( self , exc : BaseException ) -> None :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
if isinstance ( exc , ValidationError ):
self . write ({ "data" : exc . errors ()})
else :
self . write ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
self . finish ()
class DemoHandler ( _Handler ):
@pait ()
async def post (
self ,
demo_value : dict = field . Json . i ( raw_return = True ),
a : str = field . Json . i (),
) -> None :
self . write ({ "data" : demo_value , "a" : a })
app : Application = Application ([( r "/api/demo" , DemoHandler )])
AddDocRoute ( app )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . listen ( 8000 )
IOLoop . instance () . start ()
调用, 可以发现结果符合预期:
curl "" \
-X POST -d '{"a": "1", "b": "2"}' \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" {"demo_value":{"a":"1","b":"2"},"a":"1"}
属性为lambda param: RuntimeError(f"not found {param.name} data")
Flask Starlette Sanic Tornado
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/flask_with_not_found_exc_demo.py from flask import Flask , Response , jsonify
from pydantic import ValidationError
from pait import field
from pait.app.flask import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
def api_exception ( exc : Exception ) -> Response :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
if isinstance ( exc , ValidationError ):
return jsonify ({ "data" : exc . errors ()})
return jsonify ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
@pait ()
def demo (
demo_value1 : str = field . Query . i (),
demo_value2 : str = field . Query . i (
not_value_exception_func = lambda param : RuntimeError ( f "not found { param . name } data" )
) -> dict :
return { "data" : { "demo_value1" : demo_value1 , "demo_value2" : demo_value2 }}
app = Flask ( "demo" )
app . add_url_rule ( "/api/demo" , view_func = demo , methods = [ "GET" ])
app . errorhandler ( Exception )( api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . run ( port = 8000 )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/starlette_with_not_found_exc_demo.py from pydantic import ValidationError
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.routing import Route
from pait import field
from pait.app.starlette import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
async def api_exception ( request : Request , exc : Exception ) -> JSONResponse :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
if isinstance ( exc , ValidationError ):
return JSONResponse ({ "data" : exc . errors ()})
return JSONResponse ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
@pait ()
async def demo (
demo_value1 : str = field . Query . i (),
demo_value2 : str = field . Query . i (
not_value_exception_func = lambda param : RuntimeError ( f "not found { param . name } data" )
) -> JSONResponse :
return JSONResponse ({ "data" : { "demo_value1" : demo_value1 , "demo_value2" : demo_value2 }})
app = Starlette (
routes = [
Route ( "/api/demo" , demo , methods = [ "GET" ]),
app . add_exception_handler ( Exception , api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/sanic_with_not_found_exc_demo.py from pydantic import ValidationError
from sanic import HTTPResponse , Request , Sanic , json
from pait import field
from pait.app.sanic import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
async def api_exception ( request : Request , exc : Exception ) -> HTTPResponse :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
if isinstance ( exc , ValidationError ):
return json ({ "data" : exc . errors ()})
return json ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
@pait ()
async def demo (
demo_value1 : str = field . Query . i (),
demo_value2 : str = field . Query . i (
not_value_exception_func = lambda param : RuntimeError ( f "not found { param . name } data" )
) -> HTTPResponse :
return json ({ "data" : { "demo_value1" : demo_value1 , "demo_value2" : demo_value2 }})
app = Sanic ( "demo" )
app . add_route ( demo , "/api/demo" , methods = { "GET" })
app . exception ( Exception )( api_exception )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import uvicorn
uvicorn . run ( app )
docs_source_code/docs_source_code/introduction/how_to_use_field/tornado_with_not_found_exc_demo.py from pydantic import ValidationError
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application , RequestHandler
from pait import field
from pait.app.tornado import pait
from pait.exceptions import TipException
from pait.openapi.doc_route import AddDocRoute
class _Handler ( RequestHandler ):
def _handle_request_exception ( self , exc : BaseException ) -> None :
if isinstance ( exc , TipException ):
exc = exc . exc
if isinstance ( exc , ValidationError ):
self . write ({ "data" : exc . errors ()})
else :
self . write ({ "data" : str ( exc )})
self . finish ()
class DemoHandler ( _Handler ):
@pait ()
async def get (
self ,
demo_value1 : str = field . Query . i (),
demo_value2 : str = field . Query . i (
not_value_exception_func = lambda param : RuntimeError ( f "not found { param . name } data" )
) -> None :
self . write ({ "data" : { "demo_value1" : demo_value1 , "demo_value2" : demo_value2 }})
app : Application = Application ([( r "/api/demo" , DemoHandler )])
AddDocRoute ( app )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app . listen ( 8000 )
IOLoop . instance () . start ()
curl "" {"data": {"demo_value1": "1", "demo_value2": "2"}} curl "" {"data": "Can not found demo_value1 value"} curl "" {"data":"not found demo_value2 data"}
的缺值异常消息由lambda param: RuntimeError(f"not found {param.name} data")
Field对应的media_type,用于OpenAPI Scheme的media type。
指定OpenAPI Schema的序列化方式。
,推荐与faker 一起使用。